As we approach the end of the year, let us count our blessings and give thanks to God. Reflect and think what are the areas you can do better next year. Singapore is a wonderful Home, small but well-maintained so lets keep our Home safe and comfortable for everyone.
Sing a grateful praise to the Lord!
Psalm 100
1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas
This is the season of giving, so reach out to someone in need and bless them with a gift. Spread the love messenge of Jesus Christ.
For by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
A Christian's life is a window through which others can see Jesus.
Because og Love God sent His Son from heaven's throne to earth to rescue us from sin and death; A gift of priceless worth!
God's gift to the world is the life-giving Savior.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Don't fear the end of the world; reflect instead
And impact lives!
Think about the goodness, count your blessings and give thanks to God.
My interest in the Mayan Long Count Calendar started in 1987, when I was living in California during the height of the Cold War.
There was a belief that, by 2012, we would either evolve to a higher state of consciousness or blow ourselves up to oblivion. With Dec 21 marking the end of the Mayan 5,125-year cycle, I think we will live to see next year.
Hollywood has given us an interesting interpretation of the word "apocalypse", which comes from the Greek word for "revelation". And it is understandable that we become frightened when something new is revealed.
In the 1980s, the thought of a nuclear holocaust was horrifying. Today, we fear global warming. But fear also has a good side: It forces us to look closely at ourselves to change what might be self-destructive behaviour.
It has been a good 5,000 years. We received the teachings of the Buddha, Confucius, Aristotle and others. With that foundation, I believe that humanity is ready to go forward, into the new long-count era.
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him. 2 John 1:10
God's Spirit through His Word gives wisdom to discern truth from from error. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Think about the goodness, count your blessings and give thanks to God.
My interest in the Mayan Long Count Calendar started in 1987, when I was living in California during the height of the Cold War.
There was a belief that, by 2012, we would either evolve to a higher state of consciousness or blow ourselves up to oblivion. With Dec 21 marking the end of the Mayan 5,125-year cycle, I think we will live to see next year.
Hollywood has given us an interesting interpretation of the word "apocalypse", which comes from the Greek word for "revelation". And it is understandable that we become frightened when something new is revealed.
In the 1980s, the thought of a nuclear holocaust was horrifying. Today, we fear global warming. But fear also has a good side: It forces us to look closely at ourselves to change what might be self-destructive behaviour.
It has been a good 5,000 years. We received the teachings of the Buddha, Confucius, Aristotle and others. With that foundation, I believe that humanity is ready to go forward, into the new long-count era.
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him. 2 John 1:10
God's Spirit through His Word gives wisdom to discern truth from from error. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
7 Deadly sin
The number seven is special to God. It took seven days to create the world. A week has seven days in it. God rested on the seventh day. In ancient Israel, they were to rest on the Sabbath and the seventh day was a commanded day of rest and assembly for worship of God and it was the fourth commandment given. The root word for the number seven in Hebrew means “to be full” or “to be complete.” Seven, being full and complete, means that nothing could be added to it or taken away from it. It is a number of completion and perfection. So if anyone has these particular seven sins, they are in a sense, in a complete state of sin as far as God is concerned. What are these seven, or complete and deadly sins that Solomon warned us about in the Book of Proverbs? Solomon was said to be the wisest man ever to live – except of course Jesus Christ Who is both God and man.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Proverbs 6:16-19
“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.“
1) Lust
2) Gluttony
3) Greed
4) Sloth
5) Wrath
6) Envy
7) Pride
Singapore Caps Year of Lust With Parliamentary Affair
The resignation of Singapore Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer yesterday over an extramarital affair came two days after readers of the island’s largest Chinese newspaper called 2012 a year of lust.
Palmer, 44, said he had a relationship with a member of a government agency who worked in a district he used to represent. He’s the second person this year to leave Parliament for private indiscretions.
“Human failings and affairs are common,” said Bridget Welsh, a political science professor at the Singapore Management University. “What is new is the open discussion of these issues, expansion of public sphere and the difficult political navigation of these issues.”
The former heads of the anti-drug agency and the Civil Defence Force were prosecuted earlier this year for obtaining sexual favors in exchange for contracts. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whose government has cultivated an image of being clean, ethical and efficient, said yesterday that lawmakers in the ruling People’s Action Party must maintain the “highest standards of personal conduct.”
Palmer, who is married with one child, was the eighth speaker of Parliament. He was elected in October 2011 and presided over the sittings by lawmakers, according to the Parliament’s website.
‘Grave Mistake’
“I have resigned to take full responsibility for a grave mistake that I have committed,” Palmer said in a statement. “My conduct was improper and it was a serious error of judgment. I have resigned in order to avoid further embarrassment to the PAP and to Parliament.”
Earlier this year, more than 50 men, including a former bank executive and a school principal, were charged for having sex with an underage prostitute. The former Central Narcotics Bureau chief faces four counts of obtaining oral sex last year from a 36-year-old executive in exchange for assisting her companies Hitachi Data Systems Pte and later Oracle Corp. to win contracts with the agency.
Lee has promised that no wrongdoing will be covered up even if it embarrasses the city, which is rated the least corrupt Asian country by Transparency International.
The Lianhe Zaobao newspaper said this week that its readers chose the Chinese character for lust to describe 2012 over nine other words that included change and integrate.
No Porn
Singapore, where Playboy magazine is banned and the distribution of pornography is an offence, was ranked last month as the least emotional country in the world, according to U.S. pollster Gallup.
The readers’ choice “highlights the many newsmakers who have fallen prey to lust, and that too many events have been tainted by it,” said Goh Sin Teck, Lianhe Zaobao’s editor. “Is this purely a string of coincidences or is this a revelation of how our society has evolved?”
The island’s population has jumped by more than 1.1 million to 5.3 million since mid-2004, driving up property prices and stoking social tensions as the government used immigration to counter a fertility rate that has been below replacement levels for decades.
Other sex scandals in Singapore this year included a university professor who was charged with corruption for allegedly trading better grades for sex with his student. A female teacher was sentenced to a year in jail in October for sleeping with a male student who was a minor, according to the Straits Times.
CIA Scandal
In January 2008, Malaysia’s then-Health Minister Chua Soi Lek stepped down after he was secretly filmed having sex with a woman in a hotel room. An Indonesian lawmaker who helped pass an anti-pornography law resigned in April 2011 after he was caught watching sex videos during a parliamentary debate, according to the Associated Press.
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director David H. Petraeus resigned last month following the revelation of an extramarital affair with his biographer. U.S. governors who have stepped down after indiscretions include New York’s Eliot Spitzer and Mark Sanford of South Carolina. Former International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn left the lender after his arrest on sexual-assault charges.
“Singapore is no different from any modern society,” said Terence Lee, who teaches politics at National University of Singapore. “You see it in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the U.S., the U.K. These things happen, it’s part and parcel of life and people just have to deal with it.”
Yaw Shin Leong, a member of Parliament from the opposition, was expelled from his party in February for “indiscretions in his private life.” The Workers’ Party retained the seat in Hougang district in a by-election to replace Yaw.
The Workers’ Party, the only elected opposition in parliament, said yesterday it’s ready to “offer a choice” to voters as it urged Lee to call for a by-election as soon as possible. Its candidate for Punggol East won 41 percent of votes in the 2011 polls, while Palmer won 54.5 percent of valid ballots cast.
A by-election won’t change the balance of power in government, even after Lee’s party won last year’s polls with the smallest margin of victory since independence in 1965. The PAP has 81 of 87 seats.
In the past year, Lee has cut ministerial pay, accelerated construction of public housing and made permanent a program to provide cash, utility rebates and medical funds for the elderly and low-income households. Still, the country has the highest inflation rate among the developed world’s biggest economies while gross domestic product is forecast to expand at the slowest pace in three years in 2012.
“What is interesting is the continued tests the PAP is facing with another by-election,” said Welsh. “The cases this year highlight the need to remove politicians and civil servants from pedestals and tighten standards for those in positions of power.” Man are weak that's why they need the Holy Spirit to remind them of their boundaries.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Proverbs 6:16-19
“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.“
1) Lust
2) Gluttony
3) Greed
4) Sloth
5) Wrath
6) Envy
7) Pride
Singapore Caps Year of Lust With Parliamentary Affair
The resignation of Singapore Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer yesterday over an extramarital affair came two days after readers of the island’s largest Chinese newspaper called 2012 a year of lust.
Palmer, 44, said he had a relationship with a member of a government agency who worked in a district he used to represent. He’s the second person this year to leave Parliament for private indiscretions.
“Human failings and affairs are common,” said Bridget Welsh, a political science professor at the Singapore Management University. “What is new is the open discussion of these issues, expansion of public sphere and the difficult political navigation of these issues.”
The former heads of the anti-drug agency and the Civil Defence Force were prosecuted earlier this year for obtaining sexual favors in exchange for contracts. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whose government has cultivated an image of being clean, ethical and efficient, said yesterday that lawmakers in the ruling People’s Action Party must maintain the “highest standards of personal conduct.”
Palmer, who is married with one child, was the eighth speaker of Parliament. He was elected in October 2011 and presided over the sittings by lawmakers, according to the Parliament’s website.
‘Grave Mistake’
“I have resigned to take full responsibility for a grave mistake that I have committed,” Palmer said in a statement. “My conduct was improper and it was a serious error of judgment. I have resigned in order to avoid further embarrassment to the PAP and to Parliament.”
Earlier this year, more than 50 men, including a former bank executive and a school principal, were charged for having sex with an underage prostitute. The former Central Narcotics Bureau chief faces four counts of obtaining oral sex last year from a 36-year-old executive in exchange for assisting her companies Hitachi Data Systems Pte and later Oracle Corp. to win contracts with the agency.
Lee has promised that no wrongdoing will be covered up even if it embarrasses the city, which is rated the least corrupt Asian country by Transparency International.
The Lianhe Zaobao newspaper said this week that its readers chose the Chinese character for lust to describe 2012 over nine other words that included change and integrate.
No Porn
Singapore, where Playboy magazine is banned and the distribution of pornography is an offence, was ranked last month as the least emotional country in the world, according to U.S. pollster Gallup.
The readers’ choice “highlights the many newsmakers who have fallen prey to lust, and that too many events have been tainted by it,” said Goh Sin Teck, Lianhe Zaobao’s editor. “Is this purely a string of coincidences or is this a revelation of how our society has evolved?”
The island’s population has jumped by more than 1.1 million to 5.3 million since mid-2004, driving up property prices and stoking social tensions as the government used immigration to counter a fertility rate that has been below replacement levels for decades.
Other sex scandals in Singapore this year included a university professor who was charged with corruption for allegedly trading better grades for sex with his student. A female teacher was sentenced to a year in jail in October for sleeping with a male student who was a minor, according to the Straits Times.
CIA Scandal
In January 2008, Malaysia’s then-Health Minister Chua Soi Lek stepped down after he was secretly filmed having sex with a woman in a hotel room. An Indonesian lawmaker who helped pass an anti-pornography law resigned in April 2011 after he was caught watching sex videos during a parliamentary debate, according to the Associated Press.
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director David H. Petraeus resigned last month following the revelation of an extramarital affair with his biographer. U.S. governors who have stepped down after indiscretions include New York’s Eliot Spitzer and Mark Sanford of South Carolina. Former International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn left the lender after his arrest on sexual-assault charges.
“Singapore is no different from any modern society,” said Terence Lee, who teaches politics at National University of Singapore. “You see it in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the U.S., the U.K. These things happen, it’s part and parcel of life and people just have to deal with it.”
Yaw Shin Leong, a member of Parliament from the opposition, was expelled from his party in February for “indiscretions in his private life.” The Workers’ Party retained the seat in Hougang district in a by-election to replace Yaw.
The Workers’ Party, the only elected opposition in parliament, said yesterday it’s ready to “offer a choice” to voters as it urged Lee to call for a by-election as soon as possible. Its candidate for Punggol East won 41 percent of votes in the 2011 polls, while Palmer won 54.5 percent of valid ballots cast.
A by-election won’t change the balance of power in government, even after Lee’s party won last year’s polls with the smallest margin of victory since independence in 1965. The PAP has 81 of 87 seats.
In the past year, Lee has cut ministerial pay, accelerated construction of public housing and made permanent a program to provide cash, utility rebates and medical funds for the elderly and low-income households. Still, the country has the highest inflation rate among the developed world’s biggest economies while gross domestic product is forecast to expand at the slowest pace in three years in 2012.
“What is interesting is the continued tests the PAP is facing with another by-election,” said Welsh. “The cases this year highlight the need to remove politicians and civil servants from pedestals and tighten standards for those in positions of power.” Man are weak that's why they need the Holy Spirit to remind them of their boundaries.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Conduct is the best proof of Character
Scandals and corruption made Singapore government loose face, time to reflect and choose their staff appropriately.
What is integrity? Can it be eaten?
Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Titus 2:6-8
One can only show integrity with character when there is accountability: "Face to face. . ." Being accountable to someone means you sit face to face, look that person in the eye and honestly, openly discuss what is going on in your lives.
"Shoulder to Shoulder. . ." Accountability means standing by your brother's side through thick and thin. One is not above the other; both are equal.
"We'll Strengthen each other. . ." Through vital relationships, we become stronger, as we help each other through struggles, temptations and shortfalls, and as we encourage one another towards spiritual growth. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17). Did you know that swords can actually get sharper during a sword fight? How? Because, as they come into contact, they knock off the small rough spots on the blades, and serve to smooth each other; thus producing an even more finely honed cutting edge. In the same way, men sharpen one another by coming into contact and "smoothing out the rough edges."
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11
Spiritual words are mere distractions
If not backed up by our godly actions,
And all our good and beauitful creeds
Are nothing without God-honoring deeds.
What is integrity? Can it be eaten?
Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Titus 2:6-8
One can only show integrity with character when there is accountability: "Face to face. . ." Being accountable to someone means you sit face to face, look that person in the eye and honestly, openly discuss what is going on in your lives.
"Shoulder to Shoulder. . ." Accountability means standing by your brother's side through thick and thin. One is not above the other; both are equal.
"We'll Strengthen each other. . ." Through vital relationships, we become stronger, as we help each other through struggles, temptations and shortfalls, and as we encourage one another towards spiritual growth. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17). Did you know that swords can actually get sharper during a sword fight? How? Because, as they come into contact, they knock off the small rough spots on the blades, and serve to smooth each other; thus producing an even more finely honed cutting edge. In the same way, men sharpen one another by coming into contact and "smoothing out the rough edges."
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11
Spiritual words are mere distractions
If not backed up by our godly actions,
And all our good and beauitful creeds
Are nothing without God-honoring deeds.
Friday, November 23, 2012
The true mark of Leadership
Whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. Mark 10:44
All school is a good school
Acid test of MOE's 'every school is a good school' statement
WHILE I am glad that the Ministry of Education has finally decided to abolish the system of banding secondary schools, I am wary about whether this will ease the acute stress of the paper chase in schools ("MOE scraps secondary school banding"; yesterday).
After returning from several years working overseas, my wife and I enrolled our son in Hwa Chong International School.
To our dismay, even such schools are not spared the acute focus on academic pursuits.
The ministry may have abolished banding, but if the best students continue to be channelled to a few brand-name schools, such as Raffles Institution and ACS (International), the public does not require a banding scheme to know that these are among the top schools.
The proof of the ministry's statement that "every school is a good school" will be when branded schools start admitting students with normal grades, like neighbourhood schools do.
Patrick Tan
What Makes A Good School?
A good school cares for its students, studying and knowing the needs, interests and strengths of her students and motivates them to learn and grow.
A good school ensures all students acquire strong fundamentals of literacy and numeracy and develops them holistically, in character, knowledge and critical competencies.
A good school creates a positive school experience for each student, making him a confident and lifelong learner.
A good school has caring and competent teachers who are steadfast in their mission to impact lives.
A good school has the support of parents and the community, working together to bring out the best in our children, and
A good school cares for and provides opportunities to all students, regardless of family circumstances.
Will a parent short change their child?
Can I request that our Ministers or MPs lead by example by sending their children to such a neighbourhood school to emphasize their meaning of "All school is a good school"!
A qualified leader is one who has learned to serve. Walk the talk!
All school is a good school
Acid test of MOE's 'every school is a good school' statement
WHILE I am glad that the Ministry of Education has finally decided to abolish the system of banding secondary schools, I am wary about whether this will ease the acute stress of the paper chase in schools ("MOE scraps secondary school banding"; yesterday).
After returning from several years working overseas, my wife and I enrolled our son in Hwa Chong International School.
To our dismay, even such schools are not spared the acute focus on academic pursuits.
The ministry may have abolished banding, but if the best students continue to be channelled to a few brand-name schools, such as Raffles Institution and ACS (International), the public does not require a banding scheme to know that these are among the top schools.
The proof of the ministry's statement that "every school is a good school" will be when branded schools start admitting students with normal grades, like neighbourhood schools do.
Patrick Tan
What Makes A Good School?
A good school cares for its students, studying and knowing the needs, interests and strengths of her students and motivates them to learn and grow.
A good school ensures all students acquire strong fundamentals of literacy and numeracy and develops them holistically, in character, knowledge and critical competencies.
A good school creates a positive school experience for each student, making him a confident and lifelong learner.
A good school has caring and competent teachers who are steadfast in their mission to impact lives.
A good school has the support of parents and the community, working together to bring out the best in our children, and
A good school cares for and provides opportunities to all students, regardless of family circumstances.
Will a parent short change their child?
Can I request that our Ministers or MPs lead by example by sending their children to such a neighbourhood school to emphasize their meaning of "All school is a good school"!
A qualified leader is one who has learned to serve. Walk the talk!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Correct them (Our Hope) Now!
“Our education system must...nurture Singapore citizens of good character, so that everyone has the moral resolve to withstand an uncertain future, and a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to the success of Singapore and the well-being of fellow Singaporeans.”- Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education
Failure to discipline our children is a failure to love them.
What has happened to our Asian values... the youngsters are rude, they don't respect elders, they are demanding.
The problem is Singaporeans lacks Gratitude and Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is towards God while grateful towards others.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Chirst Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
MOE to roll out new syllabus for Character & Citizenship Education
From 2014, all primary and secondary schools will offer the new Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) syllabus.
Education Minister Heng Swee Keat said the new syllabus is linked to the life experience of students so that they can relate to it more readily.
Identity, relationships and choices, core concepts of the new syllabus, will be delivered through different activities like storytelling and discussions, such as a mini version of Our Singapore Conversation, where students like Soh Pei Xuan discuss current issues.
Soh, who is currently in primary 5, said: "... I think it (CCE) is quite meaningful and it teaches us to be more caring towards others."
CCE lessons will be conducted in the Mother Tongue, but it will also be taught through interactions with the form teacher.
Schools will also be able to customise lessons that reflect their school values.
One new component is "Family Time", which has suggestions for activities that allow parents to bond with their children and support CCE.
Mr Heng believes this component will complement the efforts from the schools.
"It provides for better bonding as well as greater involvement of parents and the community, and this is a very important effort because I think schools alone cannot succeed without the support of the parents and the community," said Mr Heng.
Core values like responsibility and integrity would not just be learned through formalised lessons.
A teacher at Yangzheng Primary School, Elena Tan, said teachers will also try to seize on 'teachable moments' during other lessons to explain these values.
"For example, in terms of Science, through these experiments, I can teach them values such as perseverance where sometimes, you don't get the first try right all the time," added Miss Tan.
Some teachers said the challenge is to get students to internalize these values and apply them to their daily lives.
To do that, the teachers added that one way is to frequently appreciate and recognize the effort made by students who do the right thing as that would then encourage them to continue to do more good.
Character Education provides the fundamental foundation to the personal growth and expansion of pupils through a coordinated approach across various domains.
Moral Education - "Who have the integrity, wisdim, passion and vision"; Goal is to groom students to become respectable and exemplary individuals.
Outdoor Education - Experiential learning with the aim to nuture resilience, social skills, risk taking and leadership skills.
Arts Enrichment & Appreciation - To increase aesthetics sensitivity, with the aim of exposure to a variety of genres and interest in the arts.
Community involvement
Health Education
National (Citizenship) Education
As Christian parents, we have the awesome task and responsibility to lovingly discipline our children. As we impart God's wisdom to them, we have the blessing of helping them develop into responsible, God-fearing adults.
Failure to discipline our children is a failure to love them.
What has happened to our Asian values... the youngsters are rude, they don't respect elders, they are demanding.
The problem is Singaporeans lacks Gratitude and Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is towards God while grateful towards others.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Chirst Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
MOE to roll out new syllabus for Character & Citizenship Education
From 2014, all primary and secondary schools will offer the new Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) syllabus.
Education Minister Heng Swee Keat said the new syllabus is linked to the life experience of students so that they can relate to it more readily.
Identity, relationships and choices, core concepts of the new syllabus, will be delivered through different activities like storytelling and discussions, such as a mini version of Our Singapore Conversation, where students like Soh Pei Xuan discuss current issues.
Soh, who is currently in primary 5, said: "... I think it (CCE) is quite meaningful and it teaches us to be more caring towards others."
CCE lessons will be conducted in the Mother Tongue, but it will also be taught through interactions with the form teacher.
Schools will also be able to customise lessons that reflect their school values.
One new component is "Family Time", which has suggestions for activities that allow parents to bond with their children and support CCE.
Mr Heng believes this component will complement the efforts from the schools.
"It provides for better bonding as well as greater involvement of parents and the community, and this is a very important effort because I think schools alone cannot succeed without the support of the parents and the community," said Mr Heng.
Core values like responsibility and integrity would not just be learned through formalised lessons.
A teacher at Yangzheng Primary School, Elena Tan, said teachers will also try to seize on 'teachable moments' during other lessons to explain these values.
"For example, in terms of Science, through these experiments, I can teach them values such as perseverance where sometimes, you don't get the first try right all the time," added Miss Tan.
Some teachers said the challenge is to get students to internalize these values and apply them to their daily lives.
To do that, the teachers added that one way is to frequently appreciate and recognize the effort made by students who do the right thing as that would then encourage them to continue to do more good.
Character Education provides the fundamental foundation to the personal growth and expansion of pupils through a coordinated approach across various domains.
Moral Education - "Who have the integrity, wisdim, passion and vision"; Goal is to groom students to become respectable and exemplary individuals.
Outdoor Education - Experiential learning with the aim to nuture resilience, social skills, risk taking and leadership skills.
Arts Enrichment & Appreciation - To increase aesthetics sensitivity, with the aim of exposure to a variety of genres and interest in the arts.
Community involvement
Health Education
National (Citizenship) Education
- Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
- We treasure our heritage and take pride in shaping our own unique way of life.
- We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
- We value our diversity and are determined to stay a united people.
- We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
- We provide opportunities for all, according to their ability and effort.
- No one owes Singapore a living.
- We find our own way to survive and prosper, turning challenge into opportunity.
- We must ourselves defend Singapore.
- We are proud to defend Singapore ourselves, no one else is responsible for our security and well-being.
- We have confidence in our future.
- United, determined and well-prepared, we have what it takes to build a bright future for ourselves, and to progress together as one nation.
As Christian parents, we have the awesome task and responsibility to lovingly discipline our children. As we impart God's wisdom to them, we have the blessing of helping them develop into responsible, God-fearing adults.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Be Fair and Just
In order to walk towards building a more gracious society, Singaporeans must recognize the need to be more forgiving and understanding toward others.
We have more than 1 milion foreign workers here, trying to live their dreams of better wages and providing for their loved ones. Sadly, many transient workers face unjust treatment by their employer and had their dreams cut short.
Transient worker -
One who moves from job to job, maintains no fixed home, and is not associated with any particular business locality.
TWC2 Transient Workers count too
One such organisation that provides assistance to foreign workers in time of needs. TWC2 promotes equitable treatment for migrant workers in Singapore. We help those in need and advocate better policies. Labour is dignified. It is minds that need to be changed.
In Colossains 4:1, "Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven."
Though we may not own a company, we do have regular contact with a variety of people. As believers, it is important to be ethical in our dealings. We can also, with God's enablement care about others' well being through prayer, encouragement and meeting their physical needs.
Galatians 6:9-10; Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
God blesses us so that we can bless others.
On the subject of being FAIR
Professor Lim Chong Yah reiterates need for 'shock therapy'
Six months after his call for the Republic's economy to be put through "shock therapy" ignited intense public debate - with the Prime Minister and several ministers criticising his proposals as risky and unsustainable - Professor Lim Chong Yah yesterday reiterated that they were needed to stem worsening income inequality and arrest an over-reliance on low-cost foreign labour.
Speaking at the Singapore Policy Forum co-organised by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Economic Society of Singapore, Prof Lim argued his case for freezing the salaries of top earners for three years and called again for the institution of a minimum wage system.
Suspending raises for top earners - those who make more than $$15,000 a month - would prevent top-tier salaries from pulling further away and widening the wage gap, he said.
Salaries at the top, "already at times at stratospheric heights, should not move into a morally indefensible position of unconscionable but perfectly legal rewards", he added.
A temporary pause could see top executives choosing to pay out dividends to shareholders and themselves, and would also prevent a "spiralling effect" on the pay cheques of those who earn less, said Prof Lim, who helped overhaul Singapore's wage policy in the late '70s.
In turn, these higher wage costs could eventually make Singapore's companies and economy less competitive internationally, he added.
He noted that such a measure "can work in Singapore" because of its strong tripartite relations, giving the example of how the entire nation took a voluntary pay cut across the board in 1985 and 1998, when Singapore was mired in deep recession.
Yesterday, Prof Lim, the founding Chairman of the National Wages Council (NWC), repeated his call for another facet of his "shock therapy" - minimum wage - to be implemented.
Addressing some 200 economists, policymakers, students and guests at the forum, Prof Lim praised the NWC's recent move to recommend a minimum S$50 raise for those drawing less than S$1,000 monthly.
However, he added that if the wages of workers in the bottom tier "remain stubbornly very low in two or three years' time ... perhaps a minimum wage scheme should be seriously looked into".
This, he said, is because Singapore's Gini coefficient - cited as an indicator of income inequality - has worsened steadily, from 0.422 in 1980 to 0.473 last year, and is within touching distance of the "dangerous" threshold of 0.5.
Prof Lim, who had unsuccessfully advocated a minimum wage policy in 1972, proposed a baseline amount of S$1,000 and said he had arrived at it by examining similar schemes wages in other countries.
For instance, it was about one-quarter that of Australia, one-third that of France, and half of Japan's. Compared to Newly-Industrialising Economies, the S$1,000 figure was slightly lower than South Korea's, but higher than Taiwan's and Hong Kong's. He noted, however, that if inflationary pressures turn out to be more serious, then even S$1,000 would be too low.
Prof Lim also stressed that productivity improvements keeping pace with the wage increase were an "absolute necessity", adding that improving workers' skills must continue.
While he acknowledged the Government's "Herculean efforts" to correct the income inequality, by way of the Workfare Income Supplement scheme and the GST Voucher scheme, to name a few, Prof Lim contended that such social spending could lead to the Government having to raise taxes eventually.
And this scenario, as compared to a temporary wage freeze for top executives, was more likely to "frighten (talent) away", he said, citing the adverse impact of France's "draconian measure" of unveiling a 75-per-cent super-tax rate.
The Albert Winsemius Chair Professor of Economics at NTU also proposed the NWC continue recommending pay raises in quantitative terms for two more years.
He said "the road ahead has to be clear that we are taking this route" so that those employers who "depend heavily" on cheap foreign labour can plan ahead and rethink their modus operandi.
Prof Lim added: "The disadvantage of announcing one year's pay increase without the commitment to the two more years would hardly have favourable impact on economic restructuring."
Government's call to increase productivity not only requires a mindset change (away with using cheap labour) but realistic action to control income gaps.
No party needs to pay costs in Hougang by-election case; In Mdm Vellama's case, the judge said the questions raised in her application "concerned public law issues of general importance", so there shouldn't be a winner or a loser...
We have more than 1 milion foreign workers here, trying to live their dreams of better wages and providing for their loved ones. Sadly, many transient workers face unjust treatment by their employer and had their dreams cut short.
Transient worker -
One who moves from job to job, maintains no fixed home, and is not associated with any particular business locality.
TWC2 Transient Workers count too
One such organisation that provides assistance to foreign workers in time of needs. TWC2 promotes equitable treatment for migrant workers in Singapore. We help those in need and advocate better policies. Labour is dignified. It is minds that need to be changed.
In Colossains 4:1, "Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven."
Though we may not own a company, we do have regular contact with a variety of people. As believers, it is important to be ethical in our dealings. We can also, with God's enablement care about others' well being through prayer, encouragement and meeting their physical needs.
Galatians 6:9-10; Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
God blesses us so that we can bless others.
On the subject of being FAIR
Professor Lim Chong Yah reiterates need for 'shock therapy'
Six months after his call for the Republic's economy to be put through "shock therapy" ignited intense public debate - with the Prime Minister and several ministers criticising his proposals as risky and unsustainable - Professor Lim Chong Yah yesterday reiterated that they were needed to stem worsening income inequality and arrest an over-reliance on low-cost foreign labour.
Speaking at the Singapore Policy Forum co-organised by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Economic Society of Singapore, Prof Lim argued his case for freezing the salaries of top earners for three years and called again for the institution of a minimum wage system.
Suspending raises for top earners - those who make more than $$15,000 a month - would prevent top-tier salaries from pulling further away and widening the wage gap, he said.
Salaries at the top, "already at times at stratospheric heights, should not move into a morally indefensible position of unconscionable but perfectly legal rewards", he added.
A temporary pause could see top executives choosing to pay out dividends to shareholders and themselves, and would also prevent a "spiralling effect" on the pay cheques of those who earn less, said Prof Lim, who helped overhaul Singapore's wage policy in the late '70s.
In turn, these higher wage costs could eventually make Singapore's companies and economy less competitive internationally, he added.
He noted that such a measure "can work in Singapore" because of its strong tripartite relations, giving the example of how the entire nation took a voluntary pay cut across the board in 1985 and 1998, when Singapore was mired in deep recession.
Yesterday, Prof Lim, the founding Chairman of the National Wages Council (NWC), repeated his call for another facet of his "shock therapy" - minimum wage - to be implemented.
Addressing some 200 economists, policymakers, students and guests at the forum, Prof Lim praised the NWC's recent move to recommend a minimum S$50 raise for those drawing less than S$1,000 monthly.
However, he added that if the wages of workers in the bottom tier "remain stubbornly very low in two or three years' time ... perhaps a minimum wage scheme should be seriously looked into".
This, he said, is because Singapore's Gini coefficient - cited as an indicator of income inequality - has worsened steadily, from 0.422 in 1980 to 0.473 last year, and is within touching distance of the "dangerous" threshold of 0.5.
Prof Lim, who had unsuccessfully advocated a minimum wage policy in 1972, proposed a baseline amount of S$1,000 and said he had arrived at it by examining similar schemes wages in other countries.
For instance, it was about one-quarter that of Australia, one-third that of France, and half of Japan's. Compared to Newly-Industrialising Economies, the S$1,000 figure was slightly lower than South Korea's, but higher than Taiwan's and Hong Kong's. He noted, however, that if inflationary pressures turn out to be more serious, then even S$1,000 would be too low.
Prof Lim also stressed that productivity improvements keeping pace with the wage increase were an "absolute necessity", adding that improving workers' skills must continue.
While he acknowledged the Government's "Herculean efforts" to correct the income inequality, by way of the Workfare Income Supplement scheme and the GST Voucher scheme, to name a few, Prof Lim contended that such social spending could lead to the Government having to raise taxes eventually.
And this scenario, as compared to a temporary wage freeze for top executives, was more likely to "frighten (talent) away", he said, citing the adverse impact of France's "draconian measure" of unveiling a 75-per-cent super-tax rate.
The Albert Winsemius Chair Professor of Economics at NTU also proposed the NWC continue recommending pay raises in quantitative terms for two more years.
He said "the road ahead has to be clear that we are taking this route" so that those employers who "depend heavily" on cheap foreign labour can plan ahead and rethink their modus operandi.
Prof Lim added: "The disadvantage of announcing one year's pay increase without the commitment to the two more years would hardly have favourable impact on economic restructuring."
Government's call to increase productivity not only requires a mindset change (away with using cheap labour) but realistic action to control income gaps.
No party needs to pay costs in Hougang by-election case; In Mdm Vellama's case, the judge said the questions raised in her application "concerned public law issues of general importance", so there shouldn't be a winner or a loser...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Can Singapore provide the Time & Space?
Time & Space is what most Singaporeans cannot afford.
Are we Singaporeans or Rushians? Rushing here and there, all day.
Targeted 6 million population, making Space precious.
A less exam-centric approach to build character, creativity
Reducing 'excessive focus on exams' vital for broad-based upbringing: DPM Tharman
by Tan Qiuyi
04:45 AM Oct 29, 2012
SINGAPORE - Success in character education, as well as encouraging students to develop original thinking, will only be achieved if "real space" is created for them in the education system, Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam has said.
And if these are the goals to be worked towards, it could, in his opinion, mean "reducing the excessive focus on examinations" early in life.
Speaking at a seminar yesterday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the passing of education philanthropist Tan Lark Sye, who founded the former Nanyang University in Singapore, among other schools, Mr Tharman felt there is a need to re-create values such as benevolence and a reverence for standards of conduct in schools here.
"In my opinion, it's only possible to succeed in character education and encouraging students to question and think originally if we create real space for it in the education system. And this will require reducing the excessive focus on examinations early in life," said Mr Tharman.
"We have to provide more space for character building, and for encouraging our students to think for themselves, question more, to think in more original ways. You need space and time for it. There is no other way."
Mr Tharman, who was Education Minister between 2003 and 2008, suggested looking at how students are differentiated at the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) - which is by exact scores - as compared to the O levels, where secondary school students are graded by letters indicating bands of scores.
"As long as we carry on with the present system of extraordinarily fine differentiation at the PSLE and consequently, for posting to secondary schools, it is inevitable that parents and teachers and principals, whatever else they may say, will place great emphasis on preparing their students and children for the PSLE. And it will have to be at the expense of something else. So if you want to create real space early in life for children to have a broad-based upbringing, to interact outside the classroom, get to know each other across races, to develop that zest for learning, for life, something has to give. We can't keep everything else unchanged and try to add on more," said Mr Tharman, who is also Finance Minister.
He cautioned that the right trade-off has to be found. "If we do anything, it has to be done without shaking the confidence of parents in meritocracy, confidence in the fairness of the system," said Mr Tharman.
On language, Mr Tharman said it is undeniable the standard of Chinese today has dropped, compared to what was achieved in Chinese schools in the past.
The bilingual policy, however, has given Singapore a common language between the races, he added.
The country has also gained in terms of the desire of English-speaking Chinese families today, who want their children to learn Chinese well, Mr Tharman said.
"What is more difficult is not language, but values. And this is not as tangible and we don't focus on it as much. But I think there we have lost something in the values and the ethos of the Chinese-medium schools. Language policies can always be refined and if we need to strengthen in one area we can always do it. But values and ethos are not so easily turned on with a switch. They evolve gradually over time and there we have lost something, that attitude to life and society that was very much part of Chinese-medium schools," he added.
Preparing children to face the World. Be Well Prepared they must! To be well prepared is important in so much of life. That "If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours to sharpen my axe." said Abraham Lincoln.
The bible tells us we must provide ourselves spiritually as well. Taking in spiritual nutrients, putting on spiritual Armour to protect against attacks. By making sure we are always prepared to answer questions about the reason for the Hope we possess.
1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"
Are we Singaporeans or Rushians? Rushing here and there, all day.
Targeted 6 million population, making Space precious.
A less exam-centric approach to build character, creativity
Reducing 'excessive focus on exams' vital for broad-based upbringing: DPM Tharman
by Tan Qiuyi
04:45 AM Oct 29, 2012
SINGAPORE - Success in character education, as well as encouraging students to develop original thinking, will only be achieved if "real space" is created for them in the education system, Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam has said.
And if these are the goals to be worked towards, it could, in his opinion, mean "reducing the excessive focus on examinations" early in life.
Speaking at a seminar yesterday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the passing of education philanthropist Tan Lark Sye, who founded the former Nanyang University in Singapore, among other schools, Mr Tharman felt there is a need to re-create values such as benevolence and a reverence for standards of conduct in schools here.
"In my opinion, it's only possible to succeed in character education and encouraging students to question and think originally if we create real space for it in the education system. And this will require reducing the excessive focus on examinations early in life," said Mr Tharman.
"We have to provide more space for character building, and for encouraging our students to think for themselves, question more, to think in more original ways. You need space and time for it. There is no other way."
Mr Tharman, who was Education Minister between 2003 and 2008, suggested looking at how students are differentiated at the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) - which is by exact scores - as compared to the O levels, where secondary school students are graded by letters indicating bands of scores.
"As long as we carry on with the present system of extraordinarily fine differentiation at the PSLE and consequently, for posting to secondary schools, it is inevitable that parents and teachers and principals, whatever else they may say, will place great emphasis on preparing their students and children for the PSLE. And it will have to be at the expense of something else. So if you want to create real space early in life for children to have a broad-based upbringing, to interact outside the classroom, get to know each other across races, to develop that zest for learning, for life, something has to give. We can't keep everything else unchanged and try to add on more," said Mr Tharman, who is also Finance Minister.
He cautioned that the right trade-off has to be found. "If we do anything, it has to be done without shaking the confidence of parents in meritocracy, confidence in the fairness of the system," said Mr Tharman.
On language, Mr Tharman said it is undeniable the standard of Chinese today has dropped, compared to what was achieved in Chinese schools in the past.
The bilingual policy, however, has given Singapore a common language between the races, he added.
The country has also gained in terms of the desire of English-speaking Chinese families today, who want their children to learn Chinese well, Mr Tharman said.
"What is more difficult is not language, but values. And this is not as tangible and we don't focus on it as much. But I think there we have lost something in the values and the ethos of the Chinese-medium schools. Language policies can always be refined and if we need to strengthen in one area we can always do it. But values and ethos are not so easily turned on with a switch. They evolve gradually over time and there we have lost something, that attitude to life and society that was very much part of Chinese-medium schools," he added.
Preparing children to face the World. Be Well Prepared they must! To be well prepared is important in so much of life. That "If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours to sharpen my axe." said Abraham Lincoln.
The bible tells us we must provide ourselves spiritually as well. Taking in spiritual nutrients, putting on spiritual Armour to protect against attacks. By making sure we are always prepared to answer questions about the reason for the Hope we possess.
1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Singapore needs them - Foreign Cleaners
An army of cleaners ensure that Singapore remain the cleanest city in the world, not because everyone is environmentally conscious but many do it only when it is convenient. Especially so when commuters taking public transport... Singaporeans often complain that the reason they litter is due to the
lack of rubbish bin. This is entirely not true as Singapore has more
than 4 million rubbish bins placed all around the country. Then, you may
ask, that if Singapore already so much rubbish bins, why is problem
still present? The answer is pretty simple. Though there are more than 4
million rubbish bins in Singapore, the bins are never stragically
placed in the right areas. One such example is the Mass Rapid Transit
(MRT) stations in Singapore. The bins, instead of being placed where
human traffic flow is the heaviest, there are placed in areas where it
will look aesthetically better resulting in the rubbish bins having a
cosmetic purpose and reduced security threats.
Is Singapore a clean city or a cleaned city?
Imagine a day where there are no cleaners around your estate area to clean the litter.
A “No Cleaners Day” – that was what Member of Parliament of Nee Soon GRC, Lee Bee Wah, proposed in Parliament on Monday to curb the increased litter she said she had sighted on many occasions in her estate.
Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Vivian Balakrishnan, responded to Lee’s concern and reaffirmed Lee Kuan Yew’s vision for Singapore to be one of the world’s cleanest and greenest cities.
Balakrishnan said that while the problem is created by a minority, the burden is borne by the majority. He cited a 2010 National Environment Agency (NEA) survey that stated one-third of the respondents said they would litter if they could get away with it.
He emphasized that Singapore has a “zero tolerance” towards litter and called for a mindset of collective responsibility, thus also reducing the dependence on foreign workers to clean up the mess. He also stressed to create a social norm for cleanliness and exert peer pressure where necessary.
Balakrishnan highlighted in April 2012 that a department of public cleanliness had been set up to govern the state of all public areas.
Moving forward, Balakrishnan said that we should consider giving formal training to citizens and to also review the fines and penalties.
Super Heroes
Photographer Sam Chin will be showing works from his project “SuperHeroes” in a group exhibition at the National Museum on Stamford Road from 20 October to 27 December 2012. This exhibition is part of the Objectifs 10 years Shooting Home Anniversary.
Sam explains: “SuperHeroes is an attempt to photograph various groups of migrant workers in a different light. Placing them against a backdrop and making them strike poses like super models, my intention is to change the negative connotation locals have of this group of people and return them the dignity they deserve.
“Migrant workers from all over the region contribute to our economy and growth and should not be sidelined by our society,” he adds.
The above picture is an example of Sam Chin’s work.
Transient Workers Count Too urges the public to visit the exhibition.
Is Singapore a clean city or a cleaned city?
Imagine a day where there are no cleaners around your estate area to clean the litter.
A “No Cleaners Day” – that was what Member of Parliament of Nee Soon GRC, Lee Bee Wah, proposed in Parliament on Monday to curb the increased litter she said she had sighted on many occasions in her estate.
Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Vivian Balakrishnan, responded to Lee’s concern and reaffirmed Lee Kuan Yew’s vision for Singapore to be one of the world’s cleanest and greenest cities.
Balakrishnan said that while the problem is created by a minority, the burden is borne by the majority. He cited a 2010 National Environment Agency (NEA) survey that stated one-third of the respondents said they would litter if they could get away with it.
He emphasized that Singapore has a “zero tolerance” towards litter and called for a mindset of collective responsibility, thus also reducing the dependence on foreign workers to clean up the mess. He also stressed to create a social norm for cleanliness and exert peer pressure where necessary.
Balakrishnan highlighted in April 2012 that a department of public cleanliness had been set up to govern the state of all public areas.
Moving forward, Balakrishnan said that we should consider giving formal training to citizens and to also review the fines and penalties.
Super Heroes
Photographer Sam Chin will be showing works from his project “SuperHeroes” in a group exhibition at the National Museum on Stamford Road from 20 October to 27 December 2012. This exhibition is part of the Objectifs 10 years Shooting Home Anniversary.
Sam explains: “SuperHeroes is an attempt to photograph various groups of migrant workers in a different light. Placing them against a backdrop and making them strike poses like super models, my intention is to change the negative connotation locals have of this group of people and return them the dignity they deserve.
“Migrant workers from all over the region contribute to our economy and growth and should not be sidelined by our society,” he adds.
The above picture is an example of Sam Chin’s work.
Transient Workers Count Too urges the public to visit the exhibition.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Witness the 9th Bishop of Singapore
Be one of them to witness the installation and investiture of the 9th Bishop of Singapore
"A celebration of God's Goodness, A dedication to Christ's Cause!"
This coming Saturday 20 Oct 2012, 4:30pm at St Andrew's Cathedral
Followed by a Garden party 7-9pm
A celebratory concert and dinner, service sharing by Bishop Rennis.
Free Dinner, All are Welcome!
Christian leadership succession planning
The Moses-Joshua Succession From Joshua 1:1-18
The transition from Moses’ to Joshua’s leadership constitutes one of the greatest examples of succession in the Bible. The biblical pages record many examples of botched succession; there are fewer examples where succession worked. The call of Joshua (1:1–18) highlights how this transition was choreographed and why it was effective.
It is Bishop Rennis Ponniah's turn to, "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them."
I am wondering has Minister of Home Affairs, Teo Chee Hean, invited Bishop Rennis for tea?
DPM Teo: Politics and religion cannot mix
By Joy Fang
my paper
Tuesday, Oct 16, 2012
ALTHOUGH the Government appreciates the good work that religious groups have done, politics and religion must remain clearly divided to prevent a breakdown in social harmony, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean yesterday.
He maintained a strong stance on this, despite a suggestion by Nominated Member of Parliament Laurence Lien that religious organisations can be used as a resource.
Mr Lien said: "Many people are religiously driven and they have views influenced by that.
Can we not harness that a lot more to help us in our work?" Mr Teo replied that an individual is free to practise his religion, but that is different from religious groups getting involved in politics.
"We need to keep that separation. Otherwise, once religious organisations get involved in politics, we then run the danger of having a clash, (with) many religious groups entering the political arena, or political groups seeking to use religious groups to further their political agenda," he said. He cited the example of religious schools, which provide a "very useful social function".
But there is a need for "a clear line between education missions...and religious beliefs, precepts and practices, which have to be kept on a separate track", he said.
His comments came in the wake of a post written by blogger Alex Au late last month, which said that Archbishop Nicholas Chia sent a letter to activist group Function 8 supporting a rally it was organising, but later withdrew it after a tea session with Mr Teo.
Mr Teo yesterday clarified that Archbishop Chia had requested to withdraw the letter on the same day he sent it.
With regard to the Government's request to Google to block access to the trailer for anti-Islam film Innocence Of Muslims, Mr Teo said that it was deemed "necessary to take a firm stand, as a matter of principle".
While the Government cannot clamp down on everything on the Internet, it assesses particular content and the possible impact of that in determining whether to request for it to be blocked, he added.
"The consequences of a single incident in Singapore could have a long-lasting impact on the inter-racial and inter-religious bonds we have built over the years," he said
We want PEACE!
"A celebration of God's Goodness, A dedication to Christ's Cause!"
This coming Saturday 20 Oct 2012, 4:30pm at St Andrew's Cathedral
Followed by a Garden party 7-9pm
A celebratory concert and dinner, service sharing by Bishop Rennis.
Free Dinner, All are Welcome!
Christian leadership succession planning
The Moses-Joshua Succession From Joshua 1:1-18
The transition from Moses’ to Joshua’s leadership constitutes one of the greatest examples of succession in the Bible. The biblical pages record many examples of botched succession; there are fewer examples where succession worked. The call of Joshua (1:1–18) highlights how this transition was choreographed and why it was effective.
It is Bishop Rennis Ponniah's turn to, "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them."
I am wondering has Minister of Home Affairs, Teo Chee Hean, invited Bishop Rennis for tea?
DPM Teo: Politics and religion cannot mix
By Joy Fang
my paper
Tuesday, Oct 16, 2012
ALTHOUGH the Government appreciates the good work that religious groups have done, politics and religion must remain clearly divided to prevent a breakdown in social harmony, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean yesterday.
He maintained a strong stance on this, despite a suggestion by Nominated Member of Parliament Laurence Lien that religious organisations can be used as a resource.
Mr Lien said: "Many people are religiously driven and they have views influenced by that.
Can we not harness that a lot more to help us in our work?" Mr Teo replied that an individual is free to practise his religion, but that is different from religious groups getting involved in politics.
"We need to keep that separation. Otherwise, once religious organisations get involved in politics, we then run the danger of having a clash, (with) many religious groups entering the political arena, or political groups seeking to use religious groups to further their political agenda," he said. He cited the example of religious schools, which provide a "very useful social function".
But there is a need for "a clear line between education missions...and religious beliefs, precepts and practices, which have to be kept on a separate track", he said.
His comments came in the wake of a post written by blogger Alex Au late last month, which said that Archbishop Nicholas Chia sent a letter to activist group Function 8 supporting a rally it was organising, but later withdrew it after a tea session with Mr Teo.
Mr Teo yesterday clarified that Archbishop Chia had requested to withdraw the letter on the same day he sent it.
With regard to the Government's request to Google to block access to the trailer for anti-Islam film Innocence Of Muslims, Mr Teo said that it was deemed "necessary to take a firm stand, as a matter of principle".
While the Government cannot clamp down on everything on the Internet, it assesses particular content and the possible impact of that in determining whether to request for it to be blocked, he added.
"The consequences of a single incident in Singapore could have a long-lasting impact on the inter-racial and inter-religious bonds we have built over the years," he said
We want PEACE!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Changes to Death Penalty sentencing
After government announcement of scrapping Mandatory Death Penalty, detail legal procedure has to cover the gaps left in between.
Amendments proposed to 3 pieces of legislation dealing with death penalty
By S Ramesh
Amendments have been proposed to three pieces of legislation which deal with the mandatory death penalty for murder and drug trafficking cases - the Criminal Procedure Code, Penal Code and the Misuse of Drugs Act.
In July, the government announced its intention to reform the mandatory death penalty as it applies to these cases.
Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code will make the process of appeal automatic in death sentence cases.
The amendments create a mechanism for the Court of Appeal to review a death sentence where there is no appeal by the accused.
And no death sentence can be carried out, unless confirmed by the Court of Appeal on appeal or review.
Chairman of the Law Society's criminal law practice committee, Wendell Wong, said: "There is a belief that where fundamental liberties are concerned and especially where capital punishment is being imposed, we want to make sure that the right sentences are being passed down to the right offenders. Only in the most appropriate cases will the capital punishment be imposed and this is the right thing to do."
As for the Penal Code, in murder cases where killing is not intentional, the court can sentence the accused to death or life imprisonment.
Amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act will allow the prosecution to issue a "Certificate of Cooperation", if the trafficker only played the role of courier and not involved in any activity related to the supply or distribution of drugs.
Such a discretion only applies if the trafficker has also cooperated with the Central Narcotics Bureau in a substantive way or has a mental disability which substantially impairs his appreciation of the act.
"Substantive cooperation" is defined as "substantively assisting in CNB's operations to disrupt drug trafficking activities within or outside of Singapore".
Mr Wong added: "What this means is that there will have to be an active engagement by the Public Prosecutor, and it is almost like a condition precedent that unless a Certificate of Cooperation is issued, only thereafter will the courts have the discretion to impose a life imprisonment or not."
As announced in Parliament in July by both the Law and Home Affairs Ministers, all existing cases if eligible, will be considered for re-sentencing under the new law. And re-sentencing will take place in the first instance in the High Court, with an option of appeal to the Court of Appeal.
A spokesman for the Home Affairs Ministry said executions were suspended in July 2011, and the suspension will continue until the proposed changes are enacted.
And once legislation is in place, all accused persons who meet the requirements can elect to be considered for re-sentencing under the new law.
This will involve accused persons in ongoing cases, as well as convicted persons who have exhausted their appeals and are currently awaiting execution.
Currently, there are 34 people on death row for murder and drug trafficking cases.
The Bills will be debated at a future sitting of Parliament.
God's rights to show Mercy
Romans 9:15-18
For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."
It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Amendments proposed to 3 pieces of legislation dealing with death penalty
By S Ramesh
Amendments have been proposed to three pieces of legislation which deal with the mandatory death penalty for murder and drug trafficking cases - the Criminal Procedure Code, Penal Code and the Misuse of Drugs Act.
In July, the government announced its intention to reform the mandatory death penalty as it applies to these cases.
Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code will make the process of appeal automatic in death sentence cases.
The amendments create a mechanism for the Court of Appeal to review a death sentence where there is no appeal by the accused.
And no death sentence can be carried out, unless confirmed by the Court of Appeal on appeal or review.
Chairman of the Law Society's criminal law practice committee, Wendell Wong, said: "There is a belief that where fundamental liberties are concerned and especially where capital punishment is being imposed, we want to make sure that the right sentences are being passed down to the right offenders. Only in the most appropriate cases will the capital punishment be imposed and this is the right thing to do."
As for the Penal Code, in murder cases where killing is not intentional, the court can sentence the accused to death or life imprisonment.
Amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act will allow the prosecution to issue a "Certificate of Cooperation", if the trafficker only played the role of courier and not involved in any activity related to the supply or distribution of drugs.
Such a discretion only applies if the trafficker has also cooperated with the Central Narcotics Bureau in a substantive way or has a mental disability which substantially impairs his appreciation of the act.
"Substantive cooperation" is defined as "substantively assisting in CNB's operations to disrupt drug trafficking activities within or outside of Singapore".
Mr Wong added: "What this means is that there will have to be an active engagement by the Public Prosecutor, and it is almost like a condition precedent that unless a Certificate of Cooperation is issued, only thereafter will the courts have the discretion to impose a life imprisonment or not."
As announced in Parliament in July by both the Law and Home Affairs Ministers, all existing cases if eligible, will be considered for re-sentencing under the new law. And re-sentencing will take place in the first instance in the High Court, with an option of appeal to the Court of Appeal.
A spokesman for the Home Affairs Ministry said executions were suspended in July 2011, and the suspension will continue until the proposed changes are enacted.
And once legislation is in place, all accused persons who meet the requirements can elect to be considered for re-sentencing under the new law.
This will involve accused persons in ongoing cases, as well as convicted persons who have exhausted their appeals and are currently awaiting execution.
Currently, there are 34 people on death row for murder and drug trafficking cases.
The Bills will be debated at a future sitting of Parliament.
God's rights to show Mercy
Romans 9:15-18
For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."
It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Teach our children well
The best way to bring Singapore children up is for them to know God personally, tell them that human being will sin and fall short of any standard set by God. Trust in the Lord rather then Man.
Children drawing strength from the Lord.
Kiasu Parents- giving the best for their child
'Price does not equal quality in childcare'
by Ng Jing Yng
Noting how Singaporean parents will "travel long distances" and "sacrifice other life pursuits" for the sake of their children's education and development, Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing yesterday warned parents against chasing "perceived quality programmes that are very expensive because of their desire to provide the best".
"If we are not careful, price may inadvertently become a signal for quality. We then have a luxury good problem, where more expensive programmes are perceived to be better," said Mr Chan.
When it comes to childcare, price should not be the indicator of quality, he stressed. Outlining the desired outcomes of Singapore's childcare sector at the annual Child Care Seminar yesterday, Mr Chan said it was important for the sector to have clear quality benchmarks to help parents make informed choices.
The Government would be "most concerned" if the value-add of a programme were commensurate with the price. "We will need to help parents distinguish things that are important and core for a child's development and other things that are good to have," he said.
Mr Chan also sought feedback on establishing a clear understanding of what children need to learn during the childcare years.
"Without a clear understanding of what children need at their age, parents may be anxious to push down to our young children what should actually be learning objectives only in primary schools," he said.
He set out the three foundation pillars: social skills, a keen sense of curiosity and a basic sense of values. Such foundations should be the focus during these years, "rather than to prematurely start one's life race", he said.
And noting that operators play a role in social integration, Mr Chan said: "I hope not to see the majority of our centres catering only to a specific segment of society."
There will be parents who will seek out higher benchmarks beyond the baseline established by the Government, and there will always be a niche demand for such services."But we must satisfy ourselves that there are sufficient mass market options that can meet our desired quality benchmarks and yet remain affordable to the average family," said Mr Chan, who also pledged to "do more to help those with less".
The Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK) was implemented last year. However, among parents whom TODAY spoke to, few were aware of it or consider it as a main deciding factor when choosing a centre.
Chua Chu Kang GRC Member of Parliament Low Yen Ling felt that brand recognition or price may become "convenient default factors" influencing parents' decisions if there are no quality indicators.
She suggested class-teacher ratio and an operator's focus on a child's holistic development as key indicators for quality benchmarks.
Non-Constituency MP Yee Jenn Jong pointed out that any developmental goals should still allow children to learn in different ways.
Parent Joanne Lee, who has two children in childcare, said location and the quality of teachers were her main considerations. With a lack of information at present, she suggested indicators like staff turnover rate be made more easily available.
Cherie Hearts general manager (operators) Edmund Phang agreed on the need for quality benchmarks and suggested language development and child's self-help skills be among the developmental goals. "The challenge is for the Ministry to establish a common set of developmentally appropriate goals that are applicable across the entire sector," he said.
Blame it on meritocracy causing the Kiasu mindset?
Losing out, slow, head start, tough catching up etc
'It's good for young children to play'
By Ong Hwee Hwee
Let your children enjoy their childhood. And there's no need to send your pre-schooler for tuition to prepare him for Primary 1.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had this advice for over- zealous parents on Sunday night.
While some parents want their children to get a head start, it is important not to "over-teach" them.
"Pre-school is to teach the kids certain skills which are best learnt at that age - languages, social skills, basic motor skills.
"It's not meant for you to prepare with a P1, P2 textbook and to drill the kid at three or four years old so that by the time he goes to P1, he already knows what the teacher's supposed to teach him."
He said research by child development experts have found that hothousing pre-schoolers may lead to harmful "over-teaching".
"You do harm. You turn the kid off, you make his life miserable," he said.
"Instead of growing up balanced and happy, he grows up narrow and neurotic. No homework is not a bad thing. It's good for young children to play, and to learn through play."
And to parents who send their children to two pre-schools or tuition, he had this to say: Don't.
"I've heard of parents who send their children to two kindergartens. I read of parents who send their kindergarten-age children to tuition," he said. "Please don't do that."
Housewife Pamelia Tng, 31, said she agreed with the Prime Minister, but it's easier said than done.
She sends her three children - aged seven, six and two - for enrichment classes but she "slows down at home".
"You want your kids to enjoy their childhood but you have to make sure they can catch up with their peers. That's always a struggle for parents," she said.
Deuteronomy 6 tells us that we should teach God's Word to our children "when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." But you cannot instruct your children in things that you don't know. We're living in a time when a great majority of people in the church really don't know God's Word for themselves.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
(Deuteronomy 6:7)
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
(2 Timothy 3:14-15)
MOE's Basis for Survival & Success
People are our most precious resource. Every citizen is valuable and has a unique contribution to make. Through education every individual can realise his full potential, use his talents and abilities to benefit his community and nation, and lead a full and satisfying life.
Every child must be encouraged to progress through the education system as far as his ability allows. Advancement must always depend on performance and merit to ensure equal opportunity for all.
Every child should be taught at a pace he can cope with. Each should be stimulated to excel according to his individual aptitudes. The system must be flexible, to cope with pupils who mature mentally, physically, emotionally and socially at different rates.
Every child must learn to take pride in his work, to do his best and excel in whatever he does, and to value and respect honest work.
Education equips us with the skills and knowledge, as well as the right values and attitudes to assure the livelihood of the individual and the country's survival and success. We must learn to be self-reliant, yet able to work closely with others; individually competitive, yet with a strong social conscience. We must be flexible in mind and outlook to adapt constantly to a rapidly changing world. We must have firm moral bearings to give us strength in a world of shifting values.
Pupils must know our common history, our vulnerabilities and constraints. They must develop a sense of shared identity and destiny, the instinct to defend Singapore's national interests, and the resolve and confidence to stand together as one people, to overcome threats and challenges.
Education helps to preserve our cultural roots. Our pupils ought to know their own cultural heritage and mother tongues. At the same time they must learn to understand and respect the different racial, religious, cultural and language backgrounds of their fellow citizens.
Matthew 7:24
The wise builds his house on the rock
Instead of sinking sand;
For when the storm of life descend,
That house will surely stand.
All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children's peace.
Children drawing strength from the Lord.
Kiasu Parents- giving the best for their child
'Price does not equal quality in childcare'
by Ng Jing Yng
Noting how Singaporean parents will "travel long distances" and "sacrifice other life pursuits" for the sake of their children's education and development, Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing yesterday warned parents against chasing "perceived quality programmes that are very expensive because of their desire to provide the best".
"If we are not careful, price may inadvertently become a signal for quality. We then have a luxury good problem, where more expensive programmes are perceived to be better," said Mr Chan.
When it comes to childcare, price should not be the indicator of quality, he stressed. Outlining the desired outcomes of Singapore's childcare sector at the annual Child Care Seminar yesterday, Mr Chan said it was important for the sector to have clear quality benchmarks to help parents make informed choices.
The Government would be "most concerned" if the value-add of a programme were commensurate with the price. "We will need to help parents distinguish things that are important and core for a child's development and other things that are good to have," he said.
Mr Chan also sought feedback on establishing a clear understanding of what children need to learn during the childcare years.
"Without a clear understanding of what children need at their age, parents may be anxious to push down to our young children what should actually be learning objectives only in primary schools," he said.
He set out the three foundation pillars: social skills, a keen sense of curiosity and a basic sense of values. Such foundations should be the focus during these years, "rather than to prematurely start one's life race", he said.
And noting that operators play a role in social integration, Mr Chan said: "I hope not to see the majority of our centres catering only to a specific segment of society."
There will be parents who will seek out higher benchmarks beyond the baseline established by the Government, and there will always be a niche demand for such services."But we must satisfy ourselves that there are sufficient mass market options that can meet our desired quality benchmarks and yet remain affordable to the average family," said Mr Chan, who also pledged to "do more to help those with less".
The Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK) was implemented last year. However, among parents whom TODAY spoke to, few were aware of it or consider it as a main deciding factor when choosing a centre.
Chua Chu Kang GRC Member of Parliament Low Yen Ling felt that brand recognition or price may become "convenient default factors" influencing parents' decisions if there are no quality indicators.
She suggested class-teacher ratio and an operator's focus on a child's holistic development as key indicators for quality benchmarks.
Non-Constituency MP Yee Jenn Jong pointed out that any developmental goals should still allow children to learn in different ways.
Parent Joanne Lee, who has two children in childcare, said location and the quality of teachers were her main considerations. With a lack of information at present, she suggested indicators like staff turnover rate be made more easily available.
Cherie Hearts general manager (operators) Edmund Phang agreed on the need for quality benchmarks and suggested language development and child's self-help skills be among the developmental goals. "The challenge is for the Ministry to establish a common set of developmentally appropriate goals that are applicable across the entire sector," he said.
Blame it on meritocracy causing the Kiasu mindset?
Losing out, slow, head start, tough catching up etc
'It's good for young children to play'
By Ong Hwee Hwee
Let your children enjoy their childhood. And there's no need to send your pre-schooler for tuition to prepare him for Primary 1.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had this advice for over- zealous parents on Sunday night.
While some parents want their children to get a head start, it is important not to "over-teach" them.
"Pre-school is to teach the kids certain skills which are best learnt at that age - languages, social skills, basic motor skills.
"It's not meant for you to prepare with a P1, P2 textbook and to drill the kid at three or four years old so that by the time he goes to P1, he already knows what the teacher's supposed to teach him."
He said research by child development experts have found that hothousing pre-schoolers may lead to harmful "over-teaching".
"You do harm. You turn the kid off, you make his life miserable," he said.
"Instead of growing up balanced and happy, he grows up narrow and neurotic. No homework is not a bad thing. It's good for young children to play, and to learn through play."
And to parents who send their children to two pre-schools or tuition, he had this to say: Don't.
"I've heard of parents who send their children to two kindergartens. I read of parents who send their kindergarten-age children to tuition," he said. "Please don't do that."
Housewife Pamelia Tng, 31, said she agreed with the Prime Minister, but it's easier said than done.
She sends her three children - aged seven, six and two - for enrichment classes but she "slows down at home".
"You want your kids to enjoy their childhood but you have to make sure they can catch up with their peers. That's always a struggle for parents," she said.
Deuteronomy 6 tells us that we should teach God's Word to our children "when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." But you cannot instruct your children in things that you don't know. We're living in a time when a great majority of people in the church really don't know God's Word for themselves.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
(Deuteronomy 6:7)
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
(2 Timothy 3:14-15)
MOE's Basis for Survival & Success
People are our most precious resource. Every citizen is valuable and has a unique contribution to make. Through education every individual can realise his full potential, use his talents and abilities to benefit his community and nation, and lead a full and satisfying life.
Every child must be encouraged to progress through the education system as far as his ability allows. Advancement must always depend on performance and merit to ensure equal opportunity for all.
Every child should be taught at a pace he can cope with. Each should be stimulated to excel according to his individual aptitudes. The system must be flexible, to cope with pupils who mature mentally, physically, emotionally and socially at different rates.
Every child must learn to take pride in his work, to do his best and excel in whatever he does, and to value and respect honest work.
Education equips us with the skills and knowledge, as well as the right values and attitudes to assure the livelihood of the individual and the country's survival and success. We must learn to be self-reliant, yet able to work closely with others; individually competitive, yet with a strong social conscience. We must be flexible in mind and outlook to adapt constantly to a rapidly changing world. We must have firm moral bearings to give us strength in a world of shifting values.
Pupils must know our common history, our vulnerabilities and constraints. They must develop a sense of shared identity and destiny, the instinct to defend Singapore's national interests, and the resolve and confidence to stand together as one people, to overcome threats and challenges.
Education helps to preserve our cultural roots. Our pupils ought to know their own cultural heritage and mother tongues. At the same time they must learn to understand and respect the different racial, religious, cultural and language backgrounds of their fellow citizens.
Matthew 7:24
The wise builds his house on the rock
Instead of sinking sand;
For when the storm of life descend,
That house will surely stand.
All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children's peace.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Fall of Man... but there is a way out!
Oh God why do you allow suffering in this world? So that Man can see your Glory? Behind every crisis there is a miracle, with every problem faced my Man there is a solution. If NG BOON GAY isn't charged in court for corruption, will he ever realize how blessed he is to have a wife who willing to stand by him throughout the case?
Large crowds gathered at the corruption case of Ex-CNB Ng Boon Gay with IT business woman Cecilia Sue. What draws people to infidelity? As if crime is being celebrated. Mass media sensationalize the case!
I felt sorry for their loved ones. They are hurt beyond human imaginable pain, betrayal of trust. People questioned why the wife of Ng is still standing by his side? I guess it is forgiveness and can I trust him ever again? It is between the couple, others should have no part in their love story.
Life is full of choices and options - whatever 1 chooses will have to face the consequences (the full wrath of God)
Lord, there are temptations to sin everywhere. Help me not to give in. Make me sensitive to see the ways out that You provide. I want my love for You to be real and to encourage others in their faith journey.
The Fall of Man
Former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) chief Ng Boon Gay was known as a tough leader who commanded the respect of his juniors in the Singapore Police Force (SPF).
1 Corinthians 10:11-13;
These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
"They call me a slut", "What if the child is his"
Poor child, innocent but will need to face the mistake committed by the adults.
This is a case of moral, affair and love story gone wrong, not corruption! CPIB hightlighted the case, Mass Media served them the death sentence.
Talking about slut... The so called "role model", Lady Gaga -
Lady Gaga Celebrates '30 More Years of Them Calling Me a Slut'
While Lady Gaga has been busy with her Born This Way Ball tour, her name has been splashed all over the headlines, and not for very nice reasons.
Many stories have focused on her recent weight gain, while still others reported that a New York City official called her a "slut" for a perception that she promotes drug use to young people. Gaga addressed both those topics on stage in Zurich, Switzerland, Saturday night.
While performing her song "Hair," which is all about individuality, Gaga addressed the crowd about her recent media coverage.
"They won't kill me. They won't stop me from speaking my mind. I will make music for you for the next 30 years," she said. "Let's celebrate. To 30 more years of them calling me a slut. To 30 more years of them calling me a fat, attention-seeking whore. To 30 more years of people telling me to shut my mouth about equality and gay rights."
As the audience cheered and applauded, Gaga, 26, completed her speech by saying, "May we cheer and celebrate to 30 more years of the conversation that we've started, that we're never going to finish."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8;
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Ng Boon Gay's wife stands by her man
As usual, Ng's wife, Yap Yen Yen, accompanied her husband to court as the trial continued.
When asked how she felt about the details that have been revealed by Ms Sue, she told the media that she will remain unaffected by what Ms Sue has said in court.
She told reporters after court was adjourned that she continued to believe in her husband, and that her love for him has not wavered.
She also said she will continue to appear in court beside her husband.
Large crowds gathered at the corruption case of Ex-CNB Ng Boon Gay with IT business woman Cecilia Sue. What draws people to infidelity? As if crime is being celebrated. Mass media sensationalize the case!
I felt sorry for their loved ones. They are hurt beyond human imaginable pain, betrayal of trust. People questioned why the wife of Ng is still standing by his side? I guess it is forgiveness and can I trust him ever again? It is between the couple, others should have no part in their love story.
Life is full of choices and options - whatever 1 chooses will have to face the consequences (the full wrath of God)
Lord, there are temptations to sin everywhere. Help me not to give in. Make me sensitive to see the ways out that You provide. I want my love for You to be real and to encourage others in their faith journey.
The Fall of Man
Former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) chief Ng Boon Gay was known as a tough leader who commanded the respect of his juniors in the Singapore Police Force (SPF).
1 Corinthians 10:11-13;
These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
"They call me a slut", "What if the child is his"
Poor child, innocent but will need to face the mistake committed by the adults.
This is a case of moral, affair and love story gone wrong, not corruption! CPIB hightlighted the case, Mass Media served them the death sentence.
Talking about slut... The so called "role model", Lady Gaga -
Lady Gaga Celebrates '30 More Years of Them Calling Me a Slut'
While Lady Gaga has been busy with her Born This Way Ball tour, her name has been splashed all over the headlines, and not for very nice reasons.
Many stories have focused on her recent weight gain, while still others reported that a New York City official called her a "slut" for a perception that she promotes drug use to young people. Gaga addressed both those topics on stage in Zurich, Switzerland, Saturday night.
While performing her song "Hair," which is all about individuality, Gaga addressed the crowd about her recent media coverage.
"They won't kill me. They won't stop me from speaking my mind. I will make music for you for the next 30 years," she said. "Let's celebrate. To 30 more years of them calling me a slut. To 30 more years of them calling me a fat, attention-seeking whore. To 30 more years of people telling me to shut my mouth about equality and gay rights."
As the audience cheered and applauded, Gaga, 26, completed her speech by saying, "May we cheer and celebrate to 30 more years of the conversation that we've started, that we're never going to finish."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8;
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Ng Boon Gay's wife stands by her man
As usual, Ng's wife, Yap Yen Yen, accompanied her husband to court as the trial continued.
When asked how she felt about the details that have been revealed by Ms Sue, she told the media that she will remain unaffected by what Ms Sue has said in court.
She told reporters after court was adjourned that she continued to believe in her husband, and that her love for him has not wavered.
She also said she will continue to appear in court beside her husband.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Retractable Letter
What so great about a letter? One may ask but to receive a Letter from the Head of the Catholic Church, it is a big deal! Nowadays we have a "Recall" function for email sent mistakenly...
Paul's letters were either written to a church group of people or to individuals. In these letters we can learn about the many problems that Christians and church bodies and what Paul gave for a Godly solution. Although much history can be learned from these letters, they are written simply as letters.
His letters are about giving others hope and encouragement, instructions and guidance, prayer and blessings.
Marxist conspiracy II?
Archbishop slams Alex Au, anti-ISA rally organisers
by Teo Xuanwei, Today
Sep 20, 2012
The head of the Catholic Church here has criticised a blogger and the organisers of a rally against the Internal Security Act (ISA) over a blog post which suggested that he was pressured by the Government into retracting a letter he had sent expressing support for the event.
The flap arose from Mr Alex Au's lengthy critique on his blog - posted on Tuesday - of what he described as the Government's "arm-twisting" of Archbishop Nicholas Chia.
Mr Au wrote that based on "second-hand" accounts, Archbishop Chia had sent a "warmly-worded" letter to the event organisers - civil society groups Function 8 and Maruah - only to later send a second letter to withdraw his statements, purportedly after pressure from the Government.
Archbishop Chia said yesterday that he had decided to withdraw his letter because "on reflection, its contents did not accurately reflect my views on the subject, and if used in a manner that I did not intend, may inadvertently harm the social harmony in Singapore".
According to the statement that TODAY obtained, Archbishop Chia did not say what the contents of his original letter were, nor whether it was "unsolicited", as Mr Au had claimed.
Archbishop Chia said the organisers had acknowledged his decision at a private meeting and had returned his original letter.
The event was held on June 2 and was attended by about 400 people.
Noting that Mr Au could only have obtained the account from the organisers, Archbishop Chia said: "Au's article confirmed my fear that the group would use my letter in a manner that I did not agree with, and make use of the Office of the Archbishop and the Catholic Church for their own ends.
"These irresponsible actions can easily cause serious misunderstanding between the Catholic Church and the Government, and damage the long-standing trust and cooperation between the two. It is most regrettable that Au and the group have acted in this manner."
He added that the Catholic Church has always maintained the position that it will not involve itself in political activities.
Responding to TODAY's queries about his blog post, Mr Au said it is "the responsible thing to do to bring these hidden events to public attention".
"It shows Singaporeans the real workings behind the scenes," he added. Mr Au reiterated that he had not seen the contents of Archbishop Chia's letters. "I am receiving the reports from people whom I trust and who said they have already told many others the same story, except that no one has written about it before," he said.
When contacted, Function 8 - a social enterprise started by ex-ISA detainee Teo Soh Lung - and human rights group Maruah did not elaborate on the contents of Archbishop Chia's letters, except to say: "We had decided that for the time being, the best course of action was to seek an internal dialogue with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and other relevant bodies to seek clarifications on these matters, including our intention to hold forums on the ISA in future."
The MHA was unable to respond by press time to TODAY's queries on Mr Au's blog post.
Apart from Ms Teo, Function 8's shareholders include three other former political detainees - Ms Low Yit Leng, her husband Mr Tan Tee Seng, and Mr William Yap.
They were among the 22 people arrested in 1987 under the ISA for their involvement in what the Government called a Marxist conspiracy to seize power, and were held for between one month and three years.
A "Letter" from the Archbishop can be seen as a "Blessing" from the church, just like one of Paul's letter giving others Hope. Such "Blessing" if not used under the right context will cause hurt and confusion to many believers.
Gay Agenda Vs Catholic Church
Why is Alex Au involved in this?
Alex Au's Big Gay Agenda
Same-sex attraction: Detailed Report
Gay lobbyist says: The issue is not about homosexuality, but homophobia
Archbishop Chia address Catholics on the relationship between Church and State.
Archbishop Chia's Pastoral Letter for 2011 General Election
TheCatholicNews - MAY 08, 2011, Vol 61, No 9
Paul's letter Galatians 5:13-19 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself." If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Seeking wisdom from above.
Archbishop Chia is only human and human make mistakes, furthermore, Catholics like to complicate stuff, they pray to God through Lord Jesus Christ while requesting an audience from virgin mother Mary...
Paul's letters were either written to a church group of people or to individuals. In these letters we can learn about the many problems that Christians and church bodies and what Paul gave for a Godly solution. Although much history can be learned from these letters, they are written simply as letters.
His letters are about giving others hope and encouragement, instructions and guidance, prayer and blessings.
Marxist conspiracy II?
Archbishop slams Alex Au, anti-ISA rally organisers
by Teo Xuanwei, Today
Sep 20, 2012
The head of the Catholic Church here has criticised a blogger and the organisers of a rally against the Internal Security Act (ISA) over a blog post which suggested that he was pressured by the Government into retracting a letter he had sent expressing support for the event.
The flap arose from Mr Alex Au's lengthy critique on his blog - posted on Tuesday - of what he described as the Government's "arm-twisting" of Archbishop Nicholas Chia.
Mr Au wrote that based on "second-hand" accounts, Archbishop Chia had sent a "warmly-worded" letter to the event organisers - civil society groups Function 8 and Maruah - only to later send a second letter to withdraw his statements, purportedly after pressure from the Government.
Archbishop Chia said yesterday that he had decided to withdraw his letter because "on reflection, its contents did not accurately reflect my views on the subject, and if used in a manner that I did not intend, may inadvertently harm the social harmony in Singapore".
According to the statement that TODAY obtained, Archbishop Chia did not say what the contents of his original letter were, nor whether it was "unsolicited", as Mr Au had claimed.
Archbishop Chia said the organisers had acknowledged his decision at a private meeting and had returned his original letter.
The event was held on June 2 and was attended by about 400 people.
Noting that Mr Au could only have obtained the account from the organisers, Archbishop Chia said: "Au's article confirmed my fear that the group would use my letter in a manner that I did not agree with, and make use of the Office of the Archbishop and the Catholic Church for their own ends.
"These irresponsible actions can easily cause serious misunderstanding between the Catholic Church and the Government, and damage the long-standing trust and cooperation between the two. It is most regrettable that Au and the group have acted in this manner."
He added that the Catholic Church has always maintained the position that it will not involve itself in political activities.
Responding to TODAY's queries about his blog post, Mr Au said it is "the responsible thing to do to bring these hidden events to public attention".
"It shows Singaporeans the real workings behind the scenes," he added. Mr Au reiterated that he had not seen the contents of Archbishop Chia's letters. "I am receiving the reports from people whom I trust and who said they have already told many others the same story, except that no one has written about it before," he said.
When contacted, Function 8 - a social enterprise started by ex-ISA detainee Teo Soh Lung - and human rights group Maruah did not elaborate on the contents of Archbishop Chia's letters, except to say: "We had decided that for the time being, the best course of action was to seek an internal dialogue with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and other relevant bodies to seek clarifications on these matters, including our intention to hold forums on the ISA in future."
The MHA was unable to respond by press time to TODAY's queries on Mr Au's blog post.
Apart from Ms Teo, Function 8's shareholders include three other former political detainees - Ms Low Yit Leng, her husband Mr Tan Tee Seng, and Mr William Yap.
They were among the 22 people arrested in 1987 under the ISA for their involvement in what the Government called a Marxist conspiracy to seize power, and were held for between one month and three years.
A "Letter" from the Archbishop can be seen as a "Blessing" from the church, just like one of Paul's letter giving others Hope. Such "Blessing" if not used under the right context will cause hurt and confusion to many believers.
Gay Agenda Vs Catholic Church
Why is Alex Au involved in this?
Alex Au's Big Gay Agenda
Same-sex attraction: Detailed Report
Gay lobbyist says: The issue is not about homosexuality, but homophobia
Archbishop Chia address Catholics on the relationship between Church and State.
Archbishop Chia's Pastoral Letter for 2011 General Election
TheCatholicNews - MAY 08, 2011, Vol 61, No 9
Paul's letter Galatians 5:13-19 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself." If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Seeking wisdom from above.
Archbishop Chia is only human and human make mistakes, furthermore, Catholics like to complicate stuff, they pray to God through Lord Jesus Christ while requesting an audience from virgin mother Mary...
Friday, September 14, 2012
National "Chit-Chat" Session
Several weeks ago, our Prime Minister Lee mentioned in his National Day Sermon, about conducting a National Conversation seeking to achieve: reaffirm what is good and still relevant, see what has changed and recalibrate accordingly and, refresh and innovate by charting new directions.
"It will be an opportunity for Singaporeans to come together, and ask: What matters most? Where do we want to go as a country, as a people?"
The time has come
Let us love one another, trash out our differences and seek common goals. Although we are placed on this tiny island together, our unity is often being put to test. It is not always easy to maintain that sense of unity. After all, each person is unique. We have different needs, abilities and viewpoints - much like the family of God.
Ephesians 4:11-12, "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
Despite inevitable differences with others, Paul calls us to "keep peace". Harmony with others is important because it reflects the unity between Jesus and His heavenly Father. Jesus prayed this for his followers: "That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You" When problems arise within the family, bible tells us to respond "with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love. Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
This is the way to experience togetherness with people who wishes Singapore to move forward as an inclusive society.
"It will be an opportunity for Singaporeans to come together, and ask: What matters most? Where do we want to go as a country, as a people?"
The time has come
Let us love one another, trash out our differences and seek common goals. Although we are placed on this tiny island together, our unity is often being put to test. It is not always easy to maintain that sense of unity. After all, each person is unique. We have different needs, abilities and viewpoints - much like the family of God.
Ephesians 4:11-12, "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
Despite inevitable differences with others, Paul calls us to "keep peace". Harmony with others is important because it reflects the unity between Jesus and His heavenly Father. Jesus prayed this for his followers: "That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You" When problems arise within the family, bible tells us to respond "with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love. Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
This is the way to experience togetherness with people who wishes Singapore to move forward as an inclusive society.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Happy Teachers Day indeed$
From complain...
Give them the Teachers' Day off they deserve
28 Aug 2012
TEACHERS' Day was traditionally celebrated on Sept 1 annually which was a scheduled school holiday.
If the day fell on a weekend, school was closed the following Monday. Celebrations in school were usually held on Aug 31.
But since last year, the Education Ministry made Teachers' Day the first Friday of September instead. The ministry website states that the change was part of the nationwide aim to promote family life by allowing a longer weekend for teachers.
With the new rule, Teachers' Day this year falls on Sept 7, which coincides with the short mid-term school break from Sept 1 to Sept 9.
The change has deprived teachers of their scheduled day off for Teachers' Day as there is no replacement day off.
While the ministry's intention for making the switch is well-intended, would having Teachers' Day fall on the last Friday of the third school term be a more viable option?
The ministry's objective will be met, while avoiding the situation of having Teachers' Day coincide with the third-term holidays.
If the ministry prefers to stick to the current arrangement, it is only fair to declare the following Monday after the one-week break a scheduled rest day for teachers.
I am a parent of two school-going children and I appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of our teachers in educating and nurturing our children.
Let us not rob our teachers of their day of rest.
Gracia Tham (Ms)
To Cheers...
Teachers to get pay increase of up to 8% from 1 September
31 Aug 2012
It would be a Teacher’s Day gift from the Ministry of Education.
To keep pace with market trends and commensurate with their roles and responsibilities, more than 26,000 teachers and some 500 Allied Educators will receive a pay rise starting this month, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced yesterday, a week ahead of Teachers' Day.
Teachers, excluding those newly or recently appointed, will receive an 8 per cent gross monthly salary increase of between S$550 and S$830 depending on job grade. Allied Educators will see a 5 to 15 per cent rise in their salary, which works out to an increase of up to S$700 in their monthly pay.
Teachers' salaries were last reviewed in April 2008, and this is the first salary revision for Allied Educators since the introduction of the Allied Educator Scheme in 2009.
In response to TODAY's queries, an MOE spokesperson said educators who have reached the maximum salary tier will still receive the salary adjustment.
Newly-appointed teachers, however, were already appointed on higher starting salaries, which took effect last month, while recently-appointed teachers have also received starting salary adjustments.
Senior Education Officers in the superscale grade will not receive an 8 per cent adjustment as the MOE will review their salaries separately, added the spokesperson. Excluded as well are specific groups of officers, such as officers on special contract terms or moribund schemes.
In a post on the MOE's Facebook page, Education Minister Heng Swee Keat wrote that he is "pleased" the ministry is making salary adjustments "in recognition" of the contributions made by teachers and Allied Educators.
Heartened by testimonies of how teachers have made a difference in students' lives, he said: "It is challenging to be in the frontline, day-in, day-out, especially if our teachers also have young children or other family members to take care of.
"But to our teachers, take heart that your hard work and devotion is well appreciated by all of us, especially at MOE."
Educators TODAY spoke to welcomed the salary increase but felt more could be done to help teachers with their workload.
Ngee Ann Secondary School principal Adrian Lim pointed out that work processes can be better streamlined so that teachers will have more time to communicate with parents and their students.
"We need to streamline our work, to work smart, to use ICT to help us, such as leveraging on technology to replace attendance taking, or to communicate with parents," he said.
A secondary school teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, suggested having more assistance with administrative work so they can focus on teaching.
"For example, if a teacher has no prior experience or talent for a co-curricular activity (CCA), and his role is administrative, perhaps this workload can be passed on to somebody who is purely in charge of the administrative aspects of a CCA," she said.
What a practical affirming move by MOE!
James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights."
However I believe that as long as we have passion of teaching, there is still something inside our heart that can make us revive and survive.
Give them the Teachers' Day off they deserve
28 Aug 2012
TEACHERS' Day was traditionally celebrated on Sept 1 annually which was a scheduled school holiday.
If the day fell on a weekend, school was closed the following Monday. Celebrations in school were usually held on Aug 31.
But since last year, the Education Ministry made Teachers' Day the first Friday of September instead. The ministry website states that the change was part of the nationwide aim to promote family life by allowing a longer weekend for teachers.
With the new rule, Teachers' Day this year falls on Sept 7, which coincides with the short mid-term school break from Sept 1 to Sept 9.
The change has deprived teachers of their scheduled day off for Teachers' Day as there is no replacement day off.
While the ministry's intention for making the switch is well-intended, would having Teachers' Day fall on the last Friday of the third school term be a more viable option?
The ministry's objective will be met, while avoiding the situation of having Teachers' Day coincide with the third-term holidays.
If the ministry prefers to stick to the current arrangement, it is only fair to declare the following Monday after the one-week break a scheduled rest day for teachers.
I am a parent of two school-going children and I appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of our teachers in educating and nurturing our children.
Let us not rob our teachers of their day of rest.
Gracia Tham (Ms)
To Cheers...
Teachers to get pay increase of up to 8% from 1 September
31 Aug 2012
It would be a Teacher’s Day gift from the Ministry of Education.
To keep pace with market trends and commensurate with their roles and responsibilities, more than 26,000 teachers and some 500 Allied Educators will receive a pay rise starting this month, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced yesterday, a week ahead of Teachers' Day.
Teachers, excluding those newly or recently appointed, will receive an 8 per cent gross monthly salary increase of between S$550 and S$830 depending on job grade. Allied Educators will see a 5 to 15 per cent rise in their salary, which works out to an increase of up to S$700 in their monthly pay.
Teachers' salaries were last reviewed in April 2008, and this is the first salary revision for Allied Educators since the introduction of the Allied Educator Scheme in 2009.
In response to TODAY's queries, an MOE spokesperson said educators who have reached the maximum salary tier will still receive the salary adjustment.
Newly-appointed teachers, however, were already appointed on higher starting salaries, which took effect last month, while recently-appointed teachers have also received starting salary adjustments.
Senior Education Officers in the superscale grade will not receive an 8 per cent adjustment as the MOE will review their salaries separately, added the spokesperson. Excluded as well are specific groups of officers, such as officers on special contract terms or moribund schemes.
In a post on the MOE's Facebook page, Education Minister Heng Swee Keat wrote that he is "pleased" the ministry is making salary adjustments "in recognition" of the contributions made by teachers and Allied Educators.
Heartened by testimonies of how teachers have made a difference in students' lives, he said: "It is challenging to be in the frontline, day-in, day-out, especially if our teachers also have young children or other family members to take care of.
"But to our teachers, take heart that your hard work and devotion is well appreciated by all of us, especially at MOE."
Educators TODAY spoke to welcomed the salary increase but felt more could be done to help teachers with their workload.
Ngee Ann Secondary School principal Adrian Lim pointed out that work processes can be better streamlined so that teachers will have more time to communicate with parents and their students.
"We need to streamline our work, to work smart, to use ICT to help us, such as leveraging on technology to replace attendance taking, or to communicate with parents," he said.
A secondary school teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, suggested having more assistance with administrative work so they can focus on teaching.
"For example, if a teacher has no prior experience or talent for a co-curricular activity (CCA), and his role is administrative, perhaps this workload can be passed on to somebody who is purely in charge of the administrative aspects of a CCA," she said.
What a practical affirming move by MOE!
James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights."
However I believe that as long as we have passion of teaching, there is still something inside our heart that can make us revive and survive.
Monday, August 27, 2012
National Day Sermon 2012
Prime Minister Lee's version of "Love thy neighbor"!
“Singaporeans must show a generosity of spirit to one another, including new arrivals.”
On the theme of “Heart”, PM Lee urged Singaporeans to treat each other better, highlighting the need for more social enterprises and day-to-day interaction before the country loses its “kampong spirit”.
Raising examples of an increasing number of neighbours quarrelling over common spaces, parking lots – or worse, rallying together to oppose nursing homes and studio apartments in their district, PM Lee said that Singaporeans seemed to be getting “less patient, less tolerant, less willing to compromise in order to get along”.
Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Unlike more homogeneous Japan, long held up as a gracious society, Singapore is more diverse. Norms and expectations vary. This will be a challenge as Singapore becomes more cosmopolitan.
Urban living
Unlike in the kampung, urban living is a lot less personal. People do not know their neighbours well. Because of the country's urban density, people feel the need to claim their own space.
The 'kiasu', me-first mentality
Singaporeans tend to be calculating, driven by tangible rewards rather than intrinsic ones.
'We use our grades, jobs and salaries to affirm who we are in the world, except for inner qualities like compassion. We're so focused on pushing forward and always being ahead, and one way of doing that is to ensure that someone else is behind or below us.'
Changing technology
New technologies may mean new forms of ungraciousness. People need to acquire cellphone courtesy and cyber-courtesy.
I remember having a neighbour who used to smoke along the common corridor. His action irriated my family as his cigarette smoke expose us to second-hand smoke and not to mention his LITTERing too. I choose not to confront him but approach this issue through prayer and wisdom. (I nearly scolded him...)
I came across the "I Quit" smoking campaign and decided to drop a phampet at his door. After several weeks later, I spotted him holding a smokeless nicotine cigarette (I am thinking is he trying to QUIT?) I regretted not being more friendly (Hi & Bye type of Neighbour), he has since shift out but I am really glad and thank God for his action (change) and solving my problem.

Philipians 2:4, 'Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.'
Our love for Christ is only as real as our love for our neighbor.
Leviticus 19:18, 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.'
“Singaporeans must show a generosity of spirit to one another, including new arrivals.”
On the theme of “Heart”, PM Lee urged Singaporeans to treat each other better, highlighting the need for more social enterprises and day-to-day interaction before the country loses its “kampong spirit”.
Raising examples of an increasing number of neighbours quarrelling over common spaces, parking lots – or worse, rallying together to oppose nursing homes and studio apartments in their district, PM Lee said that Singaporeans seemed to be getting “less patient, less tolerant, less willing to compromise in order to get along”.
Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Unlike more homogeneous Japan, long held up as a gracious society, Singapore is more diverse. Norms and expectations vary. This will be a challenge as Singapore becomes more cosmopolitan.
Urban living
Unlike in the kampung, urban living is a lot less personal. People do not know their neighbours well. Because of the country's urban density, people feel the need to claim their own space.
The 'kiasu', me-first mentality
Singaporeans tend to be calculating, driven by tangible rewards rather than intrinsic ones.
'We use our grades, jobs and salaries to affirm who we are in the world, except for inner qualities like compassion. We're so focused on pushing forward and always being ahead, and one way of doing that is to ensure that someone else is behind or below us.'
Changing technology
New technologies may mean new forms of ungraciousness. People need to acquire cellphone courtesy and cyber-courtesy.
I remember having a neighbour who used to smoke along the common corridor. His action irriated my family as his cigarette smoke expose us to second-hand smoke and not to mention his LITTERing too. I choose not to confront him but approach this issue through prayer and wisdom. (I nearly scolded him...)
I came across the "I Quit" smoking campaign and decided to drop a phampet at his door. After several weeks later, I spotted him holding a smokeless nicotine cigarette (I am thinking is he trying to QUIT?) I regretted not being more friendly (Hi & Bye type of Neighbour), he has since shift out but I am really glad and thank God for his action (change) and solving my problem.
Philipians 2:4, 'Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.'
Our love for Christ is only as real as our love for our neighbor.
Leviticus 19:18, 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.'
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Double whammy of Christian women
Due to the fall of Man. Man has to work hard for the money whereas woman has to bear the pain of labor.
As the nation progress, woman becomes more educated and many head out into the workforce, earning a salary to help keep ends meet. Minister Chan mentioned about his new Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Chun Sing: New ministry to focus on family
Family has a structure - head of the family is the Man, looking after wife & his children. As both working parents, the one that brings in the most $$$ tends to do more of the talking (decisions) the role of the "Man of the House" has changed significantly over the years.
When Mom Earns More Than Dad
From -
Impact on Family Dynamics
Where a mom becomes the primary breadwinner, a dad can find himself facing big challenges. He will frequently feel like a pioneer, with no guideposts or references to look to among established social support structures – family members, friends, or even colleagues. This effectively leaves him on his own, to find his place and role in contributing to the welfare of his family.
Not knowing how he creates value for his family can cause significant stress for a dad. While the feeling is normal, the discomfort is very real. This discomfort can have some undesirable effects, such as resentment towards the situation (or worse, his wife), a sense of helplessness and isolation, and even unhealthy habits.
Dads, moms and the community at large need to understand this. Dads who are not the main breadwinners in their families can do with some help in appreciating and understanding their immense value as fathers, quite apart from what society recognises as the all-important criteria of provider.
The great mindset change
Living within your family means (Can we live on only one pay?)
Highly educated wife can forgo their career ambition to be a house wife?
Husband who can't command a higher salary, turns to be a house husband? The Pride and Prejudice that follows...
Lastly the focus on family ( helps the couple to set objectives on their life long directions. Support one another, Cell groups and Grand parents. Help is within reaching distance.
Life is worth the smile but if Man cannot even accept his new role within the family structure how successful can the Focus on Family movement be?
"Do not overwork to be rich" Proverbs 23:4, Our greatest riches are the riches we have in Christ through our family.
The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:16-19)
16 To the woman he said,
“I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.”
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’
“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
16 To the woman he said,
“I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.”
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’
“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
As the nation progress, woman becomes more educated and many head out into the workforce, earning a salary to help keep ends meet. Minister Chan mentioned about his new Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Chun Sing: New ministry to focus on family
Family has a structure - head of the family is the Man, looking after wife & his children. As both working parents, the one that brings in the most $$$ tends to do more of the talking (decisions) the role of the "Man of the House" has changed significantly over the years.
When Mom Earns More Than Dad
From -
Impact on Family Dynamics
Where a mom becomes the primary breadwinner, a dad can find himself facing big challenges. He will frequently feel like a pioneer, with no guideposts or references to look to among established social support structures – family members, friends, or even colleagues. This effectively leaves him on his own, to find his place and role in contributing to the welfare of his family.
Not knowing how he creates value for his family can cause significant stress for a dad. While the feeling is normal, the discomfort is very real. This discomfort can have some undesirable effects, such as resentment towards the situation (or worse, his wife), a sense of helplessness and isolation, and even unhealthy habits.
Dads, moms and the community at large need to understand this. Dads who are not the main breadwinners in their families can do with some help in appreciating and understanding their immense value as fathers, quite apart from what society recognises as the all-important criteria of provider.
The great mindset change
Living within your family means (Can we live on only one pay?)
Highly educated wife can forgo their career ambition to be a house wife?
Husband who can't command a higher salary, turns to be a house husband? The Pride and Prejudice that follows...
Lastly the focus on family ( helps the couple to set objectives on their life long directions. Support one another, Cell groups and Grand parents. Help is within reaching distance.
Life is worth the smile but if Man cannot even accept his new role within the family structure how successful can the Focus on Family movement be?
"Do not overwork to be rich" Proverbs 23:4, Our greatest riches are the riches we have in Christ through our family.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
NTUC: Making it easy to gamble?
Near my house, on the top floor of AMK Hub, there is a very popular leisure outlet and I am not talking about the cinema. It is a NTUC Club or what is actually a very large jackpot room in the middle of a bustling town centre and very accessible to nearby residents.
It is packed with middle aged men and women as well senior citizens whiling away their leisure time at slots machines in the nice cool aircon comfort.
The doors are almost always close and to enter you need to show your member's card to the security personnel. A membership cost no more than ten dollars a month and they open late into the night to cater to their customers.
Admittedly, most of them are just there for fun and will lose some as well as win some. but invariably, there will be that few who cannot control their impulsions and gamble more than they should. Gambling destroys lives and families, like as if the casinos and hundreds of Singapore Pools outlets are not enough.
NTUC provides cheap food and drinks through their various outlets. In fact, at the NTUC food court at AMK Hub, you can get a hot drink, two eggs and bread for less than $2. It operates a profitable yet reasonably priced supermarket chain.
It is a pillar of social service in Singapore, as an amalgamation of workers' unions and as a responsible business operator. But does it need to generate profit through jackpot machines? Is it not already profitable?
I always thought fruit machines are for country clubs and S League football clubs who cannot survive financially and need these machines to generate revenue. Even that I am somewhat opposed sometimes. Imagine all the fruit machines room in various stadium all around the island. Has the whole island of Singapore become one big casino? It is rather worrying.
It is packed with middle aged men and women as well senior citizens whiling away their leisure time at slots machines in the nice cool aircon comfort.
The doors are almost always close and to enter you need to show your member's card to the security personnel. A membership cost no more than ten dollars a month and they open late into the night to cater to their customers.
Admittedly, most of them are just there for fun and will lose some as well as win some. but invariably, there will be that few who cannot control their impulsions and gamble more than they should. Gambling destroys lives and families, like as if the casinos and hundreds of Singapore Pools outlets are not enough.
NTUC provides cheap food and drinks through their various outlets. In fact, at the NTUC food court at AMK Hub, you can get a hot drink, two eggs and bread for less than $2. It operates a profitable yet reasonably priced supermarket chain.
It is a pillar of social service in Singapore, as an amalgamation of workers' unions and as a responsible business operator. But does it need to generate profit through jackpot machines? Is it not already profitable?
I always thought fruit machines are for country clubs and S League football clubs who cannot survive financially and need these machines to generate revenue. Even that I am somewhat opposed sometimes. Imagine all the fruit machines room in various stadium all around the island. Has the whole island of Singapore become one big casino? It is rather worrying.
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Jackpot Room at Hougang Stadium/Hougang United Football Club |
Thursday, June 28, 2012
How not to get drunk on China Wine
In my previous post, I wrote about how Flyervision Eentertainment, an events company linked to the City Harvest Church, was mixing its religious mission and secular business. This resulted in Eric Moo being criticised for preaching at a secular concert organised by Flyervision. In the long term, this would actually make non-Christians more suspicious of Christianity. The next time they hear anything remotely related to Christ, they would instinctively think, "IS THIS GUY TRYING TO SNEAKILY PUSH ME THE BIBLE?"
The holy work of spreading the Glad Tidings should be based on open communications, correct speech, charity and volunteer work and constant involvement in the community to better our society. When others see our good work, they can also see the positive influence that the Bible bring. Let's leave it up to them to decide.
As the CHC financial scandal hits the headlines, it is worthwhile to look at how they have conceived Project Crossover. Click here to read more. Crossover is the vehicle used to promote Sun Ho secular singing career even though I don't understand how sometimes dance hits like China Wine can further the Christian way of life. Maybe I am too old-fashioned? CHC leaders including her husband, Kong Hee, have been charged with misappropriating money amounting to $50m and channeling this money to Crossover illegally.
Reading carefully, the Eric Moo case is not the first time that such offshoots of traditional Christianity tries to sneak in proselytizing during a secular event. CHC seems to be quite prone to such tactics. Using pop songs, lights, dance and fashion, it is convenient to mask over this very important decision of converting to Christianity at the altar. It is such a serious change in lifestyle, the outlook, the habits, the psychology even...I think the Bible should be spread the good old way through Biblical lessons and preaching by an old school pastor. Song and dance is good but not too much of it.
Excerpt from CHC Project Crossover:
In 2002, Sun recorded her first Chinese pop album, Sun With Love. She held her first pop concert in the biggest indoor arena in downtown Taipei, the National Taipei Sports Complex. The team worked with a small Taipei church, New Life Church, which had about 200 members then. “Nobody was sure if anybody was even going to turn up,” said Kong. On the first night, the 4,200-seater stadium was jam-packed, with thousands more watching on big screen projectors outside. It was estimated that 80 percent of the audience had never been to church.
After Sun finished singing, she gave her testimony about the abuse she endured in her childhood and how Jesus saved her from her years of depression and brokenness. “The love and presence of God hit the entire arena; practically everybody was crying.” Kong then gave a simple altar call, and thousands upon thousands responded. “We didn’t expect that at all. When we went back to our rooms, we were wondering what exactly happened. We were in a daze.” Over the next two days, a total of 21,500 people attended the concerts, and 8,000 decision slips for Christ were collected.Don't mistake me, I am not anti-CHC or mega-churches and I do recognise the good work that they have done in bringing Jesus to so many Singaporeans. But they should learn how to be circumspect during this period when their church leaders are being charged and let the law run its course. Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. Remember Catholic Priest Father Joachim Kang who did jail time for his financial misdemeanor? When he was released, the late Archbishop still found a meaningful role for him.
Excerpt from Christian Post Sg in reaction to Kong Hee's arrest:
My prayers go out to worshipers at CHC and I believe they will emerge stronger after this episode. Their faith in Christ will be ever strong as it is build around the Church and not one single person. The actions of the few have run foul of the law...but the reaction of every single Christian in this episode will reflect upon us all.The Rev. Dr. Koh went on to prescribe a Christian response: "Apart from praying, what Christians should do at this distressing time is to allow the law of the state to take its course."
In an email response sent Tuesday to this paper, the Regional Pastor of Hope International Ministries Benjamin Lee highlighted a need for Christians to "watch out for negative and sinful dynamics in our own life" and to "avoid the judgmental spirit and self-righteousness."
Friday, June 1, 2012
Secularism and Flyervision Entertainment
A famous xinyao (local Mandarin song movement in the 80s) singer, Eric Moo, has been criticised for turning his secular concert into a sermon where he sang more gospel songs than pop songs and even ask the audience to worship along with him as he shared his journey of his conversion to Christianity.
As more details began to reveal themselves, it becomes quite clear that Flyervision Entertainment were rather inaccurate in their initial presentation of events. Eric Moo, who performed at the concert for free, had informed Flyervision that he would be singing gospel songs to promote his new album. Flyervision did informed consumers about this in their Mandarin poster but they omitted it in the English version. They did not immediately own up to this in their first statement which can be read here. They claimed that Eric Moo's antics were "unforseen and unanticipated."
Eric Moo, who worships at the City Harvest Church, had also come out to apologise to his fans and those affected. He had asked the concert organisers if the audience were church members and the organiser had replied that 50% were and the other 50% were their friends. And hence, Eric Moo felt comfortable to go ahead with his segment and even started worshipping.
Flyervision has now offered to refund all ticket holders if they were offended and this is good move. But they insisted that although they knew about Eric Moo's gospel songs, they did not agree with his worshipping on stage.
Flyervision, secular or religious?
I think the real problem lies with Flyervision as a company, is it trying to be a Christian concert organiser or a secular concert organiser? Those who are less forgiving would see Flyervision as trying to sneakily preach to concert-goers while disguising it as secular event; whereas those more generous would say that perhaps there was a mistake in communications.
Indications seem to point to the fact that Flyervision is an affiliate of CHC, why would Eric Moo agree to perform at this concert for free? CHC is known to attract many famous Mandarin pop artists who perform for free at the CHC church, they include Eric Moo, Liang Wen Ying and FIR, just to name a few. Checks with fellow Christians worshipping at megachurches also seem to indicate that Flyervision is affiliated to CHC but this cannot be confirmed.
Whatever the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident, it seems clear that if a church is trying to run too many secular businesses, it may unwittingly waddle into territories that may inflame inter-religious relations in complex Singapore society. Churches should take a conscious effort to segregate their secular and religious businesses so as to avoid controversy and inform consumers of their nature so as to protect ourselves. For eg, The Salvation Army has done a great job running their business and they get revenue from all walks of Singaporeans.
If Christians resort to steeplejacking, similar to hijacking of women association AWARE, or other methods of preaching such that it can be seen as sneaky, the long-term result might actually be the unattractiveness of Christianity.
As more details began to reveal themselves, it becomes quite clear that Flyervision Entertainment were rather inaccurate in their initial presentation of events. Eric Moo, who performed at the concert for free, had informed Flyervision that he would be singing gospel songs to promote his new album. Flyervision did informed consumers about this in their Mandarin poster but they omitted it in the English version. They did not immediately own up to this in their first statement which can be read here. They claimed that Eric Moo's antics were "unforseen and unanticipated."
Eric Moo, who worships at the City Harvest Church, had also come out to apologise to his fans and those affected. He had asked the concert organisers if the audience were church members and the organiser had replied that 50% were and the other 50% were their friends. And hence, Eric Moo felt comfortable to go ahead with his segment and even started worshipping.
Flyervision has now offered to refund all ticket holders if they were offended and this is good move. But they insisted that although they knew about Eric Moo's gospel songs, they did not agree with his worshipping on stage.
Flyervision, secular or religious?
I think the real problem lies with Flyervision as a company, is it trying to be a Christian concert organiser or a secular concert organiser? Those who are less forgiving would see Flyervision as trying to sneakily preach to concert-goers while disguising it as secular event; whereas those more generous would say that perhaps there was a mistake in communications.
Indications seem to point to the fact that Flyervision is an affiliate of CHC, why would Eric Moo agree to perform at this concert for free? CHC is known to attract many famous Mandarin pop artists who perform for free at the CHC church, they include Eric Moo, Liang Wen Ying and FIR, just to name a few. Checks with fellow Christians worshipping at megachurches also seem to indicate that Flyervision is affiliated to CHC but this cannot be confirmed.
Whatever the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident, it seems clear that if a church is trying to run too many secular businesses, it may unwittingly waddle into territories that may inflame inter-religious relations in complex Singapore society. Churches should take a conscious effort to segregate their secular and religious businesses so as to avoid controversy and inform consumers of their nature so as to protect ourselves. For eg, The Salvation Army has done a great job running their business and they get revenue from all walks of Singaporeans.
If Christians resort to steeplejacking, similar to hijacking of women association AWARE, or other methods of preaching such that it can be seen as sneaky, the long-term result might actually be the unattractiveness of Christianity.
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