Monday, April 13, 2015

Marxist Christians

Is it even possible to be neutral, remain secular?

We are told to be the light of the World, Spread the Gospel of Christ to all non-Christians. Yet we are told to create public space free of Judgement... I always tell my children not to be lukewarm but be passionate about one's GOAL! Such passion, philosophy and faith builds a Man, giving him purpose in life.

Acts 2:44-47, "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

The more one read, the more one will lead into the word communism. Many church leaders got call-up or warned about preaching such sensitive topic but is COMMON a dirty word?

"Jesus was a communist. That is just a fact."

In Acts Chapter 4, "The Believers Share Their Possessions" verses 32-37; show us the similarity of Communism and Christian faith. Keywords here are: Common, Community, Generously, Communism, share. There is no class levels but equals who shares the faith of Christ.

We have already seen that Marxism is a doctrine based on atheism, on systematic hate and on the satanic sentence that the end justifies the means. This would be enough for any Christian to keep away with horror from Marxism.

Yet there are many Catholic priests and laymen who, facing serious instances of exploitation and injustice, have been seduced by Marxism or Communism and propose a conception of Christianity that tries to make it compatible with Marxism. They forget that Jesus, true God and true man, made it clear facing Pilate, that He didn't propose the use of human weapons.“My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my followers would have fought that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from here”. (John 18, 36) Therefore, Jesus didn't aspire to temporal power, he was not a politician - Don't limit HIM!


Frederick Engels, Karl Marx’s sidekick and benefactor, eulogized that Marx’s greatest insight was, “men must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before they can pursue politics, science, art, religion and the like.”

Jesus asserted the opposite disavowing that faith is predicated on bodily well-being, “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ . . . But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:31-33).

Biblically, body and soul are distinct. The vibrant Christianity seen throughout history even as believers endured deprivation or persecution  irrefutably contradicts the Marxian materialist stance. Libertarian pronounced, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” The prodigal son didn't return with his belly full.

Marxists require secular, materialist explanations for everything, but there is no scriptural basis for these severe restrictions on permissible avenues of thought. From this irreconcilable beginning, biblical doctrine and Marxist theory diverge still further.

Marx sought to replace the Christian worldview with a vile substitute. His rejection ran deeper than the often quoted jibe, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

He admitted, “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” He thought Christianity reflected a palliative used by the rich to constrain workers so they wouldn't revolt. To Marx, church and family presented obstacles to Utopia. The hierarchical society affirmed by Scripture prevented the rise of the proletariat.

Marx’s writings reveal undeniable, but antithetical parallels with Scripture, a deliberate replacement meant to expunge Christianity from society. To wit, Marx even employed religious themed legerdemain. Atheism, whether Marxist or Objectivity, relies on faith too, it just requires drastically different metaphysical assumptions.

Communism supplanted the Garden of Eden with a primitive man at harmony with nature, the genesis of environmental worship’s close ties to Marxism today. Marx even incorporated a millennial view of history as an evolving class struggle finally solved by the coming victory of the proletariat. Utopia represents Heaven, ultimately created on Earth – by man. The collectivist state becomes god.

This man centered worldview was absorbed by the academy, media, entertainment industries and much of government. They now distill cultural Marxism, aka political correctness, to credulous Americans who thought we won the Cold War.

It’s not just that our perspectives are diametrically opposite, but Bible believing Christians and Marxists also seek fundamentally different goals. God’s judgment shows no favoritism. Everyone is equal in His sight. The word liberty appears sixteen times in the New Testament. Equality among men but twice: Matthew 20:12, pertaining to salvation in a parable which defends property rights; and 2 Corinthians 8:14.

The latter alludes to God sustaining Israel in the wilderness with manna. Paul instructs those of us more fortunate to voluntarily help others requiring assistance. Exodus highlights God’s view on public property: use only what you need. Don’t unnecessarily impose upon your neighbors. Worldly governments showering favored constituents with handouts lack the divine enforcement mechanism of making hoarded manna quickly rot.

Biblically, society is inhabited by unique, sovereign individuals made in God’s image and personally accountable to Him. Equality under the law stems from equality before God which always and everywhere negates equality of results. God is no respecter of persons. Nor should justice favor particular segments even if their cause is politically correct. Justice is measured by precision to God’s standards, not by the shifting goals of secular academics.

Moses said, “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice. You shall not show partiality to a poor man in his dispute” (Exodus 23:2-3).

Nowhere does Scripture task government with equalizing wealth. Not only is redistributing private property for political purposes immoral, it also undermines the God ordered notion of accountability. Without freedom to do either right or wrong, the moral basis dissolves. Dr. Ronald

Nash observes, “Passages that oblige believers to use their resources for God’s purposes presuppose the legitimacy of private ownership.”

The Bible requires work, frugal living and honest dealings. It mandates impartial justice, sound money and property rights; plus endorses liberty and limited government – all essential elements of capitalism. Christ even used free market principles repeatedly in his teaching.

Jesus clearly appreciated price signals and the role of incentives.

The parables of the talents offer sage investment advice. It is prudent to entrust resources to those multiplying them and extract resources from those squandering them. This counters the Marxist principle of progressive taxation taking from the most productive to subsidize those wasting scarce resources. But Jesus used these essential lessons to illustrate spiritual truths, not finance.

Market based economics appear consistent with Christ’s teachings, however it is inappropriate to usurp divine authority by transforming Jesus into Adam Smith. The Bible unequivocally endorses certain elements of capitalism. And never does it disavow capitalism, only its impure application by corrupt participants; unless one equates free markets with Social Darwinism as do Marxists. But theirs is clearly neither a biblical perspective nor an accurate depiction.

Economics is not a Zero Sum Game. One’s gain does not necessitate another’s loss. Innovation, efficient profitable production and savings expand the pie. Consumption, investment and waste shrink it.

Likewise, taking several verses describing a voluntary, communal living arrangement out of context to prescribe secular socialism defies logic.

Those passages in Acts were descriptive more than prescriptive. Taking them otherwise throws out virtually everything else in Scripture.

Frederick Engels saw this clearly, “If some few passages of the Bible may be favorable to communism, the general spirit of its doctrines is, nevertheless, totally opposed to it.”

To function, economic formulas must acknowledge man’s fallen nature. Here Marxists blunder badly. Man is inherently selfish going back to Adam, who had everything, yet still wanted more. Genesis reflects the earliest commentary on our nature and it reveals what remains today: a greedy, violent bunch prone to jealousy, sloth and vice.

Communism fails except as augmented by fear (and ultimately there too), because forging “New Socialist Man” remains forever beyond the state’s grasp. Only God can change men’s hearts. Our base instincts betray us. When we see someone slacking and still taking – we produce less. When we see others taking beyond their share – we take more too. Without private property and opportunities for profit through honest toil, living standards stagnate.

Any movement must deal with realities and thus superficial similarities with other systems will materialize, but properly understood, Marxism is the absolute denial of Christianity – precisely as Marx intended. Where Marxists seize power, Christians are always persecuted and atheism is enforced, usually at a steep cost.

Communism is death but He Lives!

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