Monday, October 12, 2009

Beyond me-personal-sphere

Had some spare time to surf today and read this interesting post from depicting how a Christian can lose his head and the argument in quick succession. Alastair Su, the author, even gave a rather official name, ad hominem, or personal attack. It's always important to keep your cool when debating, more so when debating on issues that are inter-linked with socio-religious ideas/topics. If someone senses that you are emotional on a certain point, it is only natural to expose it or keep questioning it hoping that you would break. As Christians, we should not only quote the Bible but give concrete real examples of the Bible manifested in our real world. We should argue with logic, cause-effect, and demonstrate that faith is not blind and irrational. The opposite number might not agree with us but at least they can appreciate our method of argument or where we are coming from. It's nice to know that there are others out there who are trying to bring forth Christianity view points in the sphere of new media.

P.S. This other post by the same author on Salvation is also worth reading. Simple and direct. Acceptance is just the beginning and only through the constant perfection of God's work that we can truly earn our place with HIM.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul,

    Thanks for linking :)) I appreciate the encouragement, its visitors like you that keep me going. Please continue to write as well! The cyberspace is an immense place for the ministry of His word to take place, and could always do with more people like yourself.

    God bless,

